Anthony Melthow

NEWS FROM JOSIE came as a bombshell in their relationship, but Anthony already knew that sooner or later it would happen, because the three of them were talented, but they had different paths to follow and as much as it saddened to have to separate from the people who made it. his life had meaning, this was the ideal moment.

Anthony knew that if they didn't do that right now, maybe they would adapt to what life would force them to do, they would have to choose any profession and have any life...

And that was everything Anthony believed he wasn't, just any person... he was born to be the big star and Hollywood was waiting for him with open arms.

And that's what Anthony believed.

His mother had also gotten him an audition in a play and seeing Anthony 's performance had seemed perfect, however, all he received was criticism saying he was insecure, nervous, etc. But the person said Tony was a diamond in the rough screaming desperately to be cut and his answer was a resounding yes.

Anyway, he was on the boat that would take him to his dreams.

TONY WENT TO TALK ABOUT his test results but Josie arrived so euphoric that he was upset about ruining the best day of his life by sharing his victory, that was her day, it deserved to be left to her alone, but both Mark and Josie realized that Tony had experienced something special too.

— Speak up — she said — I know something good has happened, that silly little smile doesn't leave your face, when it happens it's because something nice has happened.

— Relax, let's celebrate your day, tomorrow we celebrate mine.

— You know — he agreed without insisting — there's only bad news in all this.

— Which is? — Mark asked grimly.

— I'm leaving for Moscow next week, I'm so excited. Ivana said that it is beautiful there and full of talented people.

— I thought you would finish your studies, at least, that would give us time to make the most of our time.

— Ivana said that a ballerina doesn't need to know math, grammar or anything like that, just focus on training and everything will work out in my life, it's just up to me, and another, I'm going to travel the world.

— I agree — said Tony — I don't need to find the X of the question, just find the cipher of everything we do.

The three laughed. Both Mark and Josie knew that Tony was obsessed with money, would do anything to have it and it scared them a little not knowing how far he would go for fame and money.

— GUY! — TONY exclaimed once — I'm going to need your help to raise some money. So are you in?

— If I had, I'd give it to you.

— Forget it, we need to learn how to get it. Let's assemble something on the street, you play and I'll recite some poetry, it doesn't hurt to try.

— It's a good idea, I think it might work.

They did it, Tony needed three hundred dollars, they got a little more than that that week, but Tony hid it in his secret safe because he knew that if his stepfather found it he would spend it all on booze and drugs and he couldn't afford to to spend their passport to happiness.

I'm almost there.

JOSIE TALKED WHAT THE DATE AND TIME WAS and the three of them took a Taxi together to O'hare Airport and from the moment they arrived until check-in everything went faster than they wanted it to happen, it was like destiny itself was asking them to separate.

— I can't believe this is actually happening.

— It's a special time for all of us.

— In the end, you didn't tell us what was so special about it.

Tony smiled.

— I passed the audition to stage my first play.

The three screamed and the entire airport cafeteria looked at them. Mark motioned apologetically.

— That's wonderful — Josie Eufórica was moved — maybe one day we'll work together on a project.

'It would be cool for the three of us to be in a play or movie, have you ever thought?'

Again Anthony put his hand between them and they all made the sandwich.

— No matter what happens, what price we have to pay, we will conquer the world together.

The three looked at each other happily for the first time that day.

— Together — they confirmed.

ANTHONY AND MARK stood at the airport, hard to believe that their lives were changing forever, taking a course they desperately didn't want, especially Mark, who was saying goodbye to half of all his friends.

They met at the age of ten and knew that everything they had lived until then could not be erased by anyone.

— I WILL MISS you both — she said hugging them both.

— So are we — Mark returned shyly.

— I promise I'll send you a letter every day.

— We'll be looking forward to it — said Tony sarcastically — now you have to go, otherwise you'll miss the plane.

— It wouldn't be that bad — Mark interjected.

— You fool — said Josie, poking his belly — I'm really going to miss you and everything we've lived together.

— Just promise us you'll be the best — Tony said.

— I say the same to you.

They heard the last call for boarding and saw Josie run away, hand her ticket to the boarding clerk, and disappear from their sight.

— NOW IT'S JUST the two of us, partner — Mark said a little discouraged looking at the sky trying to see some way out of his loneliness, but the only way out was inside that plane leaving...

Perhaps, never to return.

— Unfortunately not, man — he said with a smirk on his face, — I was invited to a play in New Jersey, my mother didn't even want to talk about it, she was dying to run away from my stepfather... in a way my farewell too.

— So that's what you wanted the money for?

— Yes it was... an opportunity like that doesn't knock on the door twice in a lifetime... I feel it's the right time.

Mark knew full well that John Noehelm wasn't exactly a stepfather, he was a demon who slept with his mother and paid his bills to make up for his ignorance. Except he was the fifteenth man she'd brought into the house since they'd met, so it was her mother's fault, not his.

But that was beside the point for him at the time, the problem was that Josie was gone.

Maybe forever.

And Anthony was saying goodbye too.

At least I'll have more time to study violin now.