Mark Conely

TRUTH FELL LIKE a bomb in the press, even though Mark denied everything, he didn't know how the news had leaked, it was all day long calls from the most diverse journalistic sources, so much so that he had to hang up the phone.

He lay in his bed and couldn't sleep, he just felt like Atlas, holding the sky as part of some curse that had been imposed on him, as much as he loved Josie, he had respected Camille in her innermost depths, fought with all his might to make that relationship work. In his eyes, he loved Camille, perhaps not to the same degree he loved Josie, but it was still love and no love should be despised within us.

At first, he decided to forgive her, but with all the press on, they didn't have time to let the scars heal completely, because wherever they went, everything seemed to come crashing down like a hurricane. So, Mark decided to end the marriage before something worse happened to both of them, after all, they were two widely awarded artists, he with three Grammy Awards and she with an Oscar, at the end of their relationship, it all boiled down to this.

But something had gotten out of hand and he didn't know exactly why...

MARK CAME TO HER and said:

— Why, Camille?

— It has nothing to do with you, you're a wonderful person... it just happened... it's... how can I put it... it's my wild nature that spoke louder.

— Why can't I believe it?

— I can't make you believe it, it's your decision, Mark.

— I still can't believe it.

She came close to him, gave him a kiss, hugged him and told him:

— Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't the truth.

She opened the door and walked towards her car, looked back and said:

— Goodbye, Mark, you may not believe it, but what we lived was all true inside me, one of the few truths I've lived in my life.

She got in her car, started it, and walked out of Mark's life forever.

CAMILLE WAS LEAVING and Mark was looking out of his bedroom window thinking about how many more goodbyes his life would have to face, every time it was like this, when things started to go right, happiness started to get out of his control like a vicious circle that prevented him from reaching her with the people she loved most.

Mark felt like he was in a black and white movie, watching Camille's car disappear into the horizon when his phone rang.

— Hello — he answered.

— Mr Conelly?

— Yes it's me.

— This is the police, sorry to inform you, but your parents just had an accident, could you come over here and recognize their bodies?

— But...

— I'm sorry to tell you, but…yes…they're dead.