Josie McMillan

JOSIE LEFT IN THE MIDDLE of dawn, she knew she had risked a lot going to him, had put her life and Mark's life in danger, but she didn't know who else to turn to at that moment, she was so desperate for love that she didn't even think about the consequences of their attitudes.

Anthony has gone completely mad... and so am I for being here putting him in danger.

Josie came close to Mark and placed a soft kiss on his mouth.

If you only knew how much I love you... but I can't be part of your life... forgive me...

JOSIE HAD A FAKE PASSPORT that she used from time to time to do some shopping in Canada, but because of everything she was going through lately, she decided to flee to India, as it is the second most populous country on the planet, he would hardly find her there...

And they really didn't find it...

TWO MONTHS LATER, Josie passed out and was taken to the hospital and had news that would completely change the course of things...

She was pregnant...

THE MONTHS PASSED by and her belly growing in the most natural way possible, she knew it would be a boy and would be named after her father...


As expected, a boy came.

The nurse delivered the boy into her arms.

— Can I ask Dad to come in? — Asked the nurse.

— He doesn't have a father — Josie replied dryly as she played with her son for the first time.

When she looked up to see who had entered the room, she saw Anthony.

— Did you miss you, dear?