Marina Herrera

MARINA REJOICED with every step that Mark took and his personal victory was gaining more and more space in the scientific columns.

It took six years of working fifteen hours a day, six days a week to get a satisfactory result.

Marina received the award for one of the main scientific discoveries of the century, many people could dream of walking again thanks to her, mainly for the marketing that was done, she was featured in almost all scientific and medical journals that were on the world market.

Finally my dream come true....

MARK WAS WALKING with the aid of a cane, not yet 100%, but he was able to get around on his own, drive his car, etc.

One day she approached him and said:

— I think we can go our separate ways now.

Mark stared at her without understanding anything at all.

— I know you've placed all your expectations on me, but my job with you is over.

— Job? You mean...

— Yes... from the beginning you were just my project... and others, we both know the truth, Mark, don't pretend that everything you feel for her can be made up on me...