Mark Conely

EVEN AFTER ALMOST six years had passed, thinking about Marina and everything they had lived through still hurt Mark, he always imagined himself living with someone his whole life, but life was passing by and several "someones" ended up not staying.

The shows kept going on as usual, their CD's were always among the best sellers and their son always made some cameos, but it wasn't anything serious.

DESPITE BEING AMERICAN, Mark loved Brazil, especially São Paulo and Minas Gerais.

He was in Ibirapuera Park at night looking at the lake and admiring the "Dance of the Waters" when he heard a voice that made him come back from his trance.

— Hi, Josie… what are you doing here in Brazil?

— Introducing my new movie… I like the atmosphere too… — Mark smiled.

— How did you know you were here? — I don't let anyone know when...

— I know this is your favorite place...

— It's true... my first big hit I wrote here.

— I know we're great friends, Mark, but... I've always loved you...

Mark looked into her eyes and saw deep down in her soul that she spoke the truth.

— I think for the second time this place will change my life...