A slender hand held a goblet of bright red liquid as she brought a sip of the drink to her lips that went down her throat like water. Her eyes didn't stray, watching the crowd of people below dancing to the beats of the loud music caused by the DJ. They all rubbed together without seeing much of the space thanks to the colorful lights that flashed every moment, cheering the crowd. His vision wasn't focused on anything specific, he was looking at them, bored.
The figure holding the hand was a handsome man with glossy black hair and vivid brown eyes, with a flat nose and sharp features with a rounded chin. It was an open red suit showing off his neatly ironed white shirt underneath, as well as a chunk of his chest under his neck. He had a seductive atmosphere that was attractive to both men and women who looked him up and down like a piece of meat, and he had a natural arrogance that made him even more charming.
But his attitude lowered unchanged, just sipping his drink casually, as if all looks his way were nothing. He was used to this kind of attention a long time ago, but he didn't like it very much, so he frowned slightly when he noticed another look on him. He was in a bit of a bad mood that his friend had left him there to go out in search of a skirt even after inviting him. He was a liar and also his fault for believing his words and empty promises that he wouldn't leave him alone.
What led him to accept the invitation was just to clear his head after the last few weeks. He worked too hard later on a project at the company I work for and deserved a break. I didn't want to stay at home, so I accepted. However, it seemed that I chose the worst option, because at least there you wouldn't attract so much attention to yourself and you could do something that would take your boredom away. If he could go back in time, he would have refused.
"Hello." A male voice said next to him, followed by a chair scraping sound. The man sat down beside him and smiled at his unresponsive figure watching him. "You seem to like the drink a lot, is it the Red Crystal?"
The man stared at the stranger, observing his details. He was a dark blond man with olive skin and almond-shaped eyes; her chin was heart-shaped and her nose thin, but her face was very cheerful. He seemed like a nice, sunny person. He had a normal build and didn't look any taller than him. It was clear that she was there to flirt with him. Was it the fifth? Perhaps the sixth, excluding women. Unfortunately for the stranger, it wasn't his type. Although I say the voice was attractive.
He simply waved lightly, repeating himself to the dancing crowd. He didn't feel like talking and looked at the scene as if he were looking at a painting. He was indifferent and his eyes down a little on his neutral face. He was indeed bored, but not bored enough to talk to strangers without his own initiative.
"I haven't had this one yet, I think I'll get one to try. It must taste good, because I can't see you stop drinking." He said. The stranger straightened up in his chair and studied himself better on the table, while drinking a glass of beer he had brought with him. "I came here to ask your name and ask for your number. But it's not for me. No, my thing is women. It's just that my friend, look, is too shy to come here and ask and I came to do this favor for him. You know , give it a go."
The man turned to look at him again and went in the direction he wanted; a relatively close table with four other well-dressed guys chatting, drinking and laughing, while the one in the middle was looking their way with a cold, serious look, as if he was angry and shooting his friend.
His appearance was beautiful and very masculine. His hair was black and slicked back. His eyes were indistinguishable from the distance and the lighting, but they didn't seem to be clear. His nose was long and pointed, and underneath his lips were pink and very symmetrical, with stubble all over his rectangular chin. His countenance was well proportioned and apparently muscular, as his chest was well lifted and his arms strong within the black blouse he wore.
He analyzed it some more and his eyes met the man's a few seconds later. The man wasn't shaken, he just turned his attention to the stranger in front of him who smiled when he saw the group of friends calmly. He completely ignored the other's gaze on him.
Although, other than what's in front of him, he really is to his liking. And managed to pique their interest.
"I don't think he's shy."
"Do you speak." The stranger said rudely smiling even wider, earning a frown. He thought the man was uncomfortable with his sentence, as he soon recanted. "Sorry, sometimes I talk shit, but I don't mean to… But you're right, he's not shy, he's just bad at expressing himself. So I came to see if he stopped me or plucked up the courage, and if he didn't come, I could go to the least take off for him the name to come later."
The man concluded that the stranger talked too much, but he understood the intricacies. The stranger saw that his friend was paying attention to him, but for some reason he didn't come, so in order to provoke some reaction or help him, he decided to come up to him and talk. It wasn't something he criticized or judged, or didn't like.
In her primary judgment, it didn't look like the guy wasn't someone of attitude, just that he was looking first and then his nosy friend moved before he did, which was why he was looking at them that way. But that was just his conjecture about the situation and the stranger must have known his friend better than he did. Besides, who would guarantee that it was the whole story? The man in front of him didn't seem as believable as he tried to be.
But just as he was about to speak, his attention was drawn to one movement in particular. Soon, a smile grew and he chuckled as he looked at the blonde in amusement.
"I think your plan worked." He said and the figure that was far away from them appeared beside his friend, startling him by putting a hand on his shoulder.
The blonde lifted his head and met eyes that the man discovered were gray when he got closer. He flinched and gave a half-broken smile, but he nodded to his friend and then to the man.
"I think it's my time, excuse me." He took his hand off her shoulder and stood up. "Up until." He waved him off, returning to the group of three who greeted him with a shout and raised glasses.
After that, his brown eyes flew to the very masculine figure in front of him. Up close, he was much prettier than from afar, pleasing his aesthetics. He got a closer look at his clothing and the ripped jeans he was wearing. On his neck he had a metallic necklace in the shape of a black steel rectangle and on his right hand two rings.
As he watched him, so he was watched.
The man looked at him for a few seconds and held out his hand. His action was polite and he began his presentation.
"Hi, I'm Alexandre Machado. I hope Roberto didn't say anything that offended you."
"Christian Rosas. Don't worry, I didn't say anything." He smiled, returning the handshake. His voice was even better than his appearance.
His slender hand touched the man's large hand and was squeezed firmly so that he could feel the strength of the one in front of him. Afterwards, they separated and Alexandre sat in the same chair that the blonde, Roberto, was before. All this under brown eyes looking at him with a bit of interest.
"Roberto must have told you why I came here."
"Uhm, yeah, he said something." Christian replied, smiling and enjoying himself, almost finished with his drink. "That I attracted the attention of your adorable shy friend and that he went to help you. But I expected him to come to us."
When he finished, he watched the other's reaction, which was totally as expected. The gray-eyed man didn't say anything or show any reaction, but he knew he must have been a little resentful of his friend for the way he'd looked at him earlier. And Christian wasn't wrong, Alexandre mentally cursed him after knowing that. He came to help him, but he looked like he wanted to dig his grave.
"Please ignore that part he said." He referred to the shy part.
"Oh how sad." He wailed. "I was also interested in him."
Alexandre looked at him with Christian's speech, who ended up laughing and drank the rest of the Red Crystal in his cup. The brown one took the glass away from his mouth and licked his lips to taste the remaining drink. It was sweet, but it was really good. Such a scene obviously did not go unnoticed by the other, who focused his attention on the kissable red lips of the other party.
He had stared too long, as he snapped out of his trance upon hearing the other's laugh.
"Looks like you're really interested." Christian spoke, watching the other's face get a little flushed.
"Okay, I know the effect I have on people." He shrugged, fiddling with the cup in his hand. "But I think you should understand too, don't you?"
"..." Alexander was quiet. The seductive man was calling him handsome and singing. All it did was make her gray eyes even more focused on him.
"Even if you don't say it, I know you do." He spoke, hearing the cell phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and saw a message from his friend.
[Pedrosaurus: Man, I got company for my night.]
[Pedrosaurus: I hope you don't mind. Tomorrow I'll make it up to you with your favorite foods.]
[Pedrosaurus: See you.]
"Motherfucker…" he muttered under his breath, frowning. He already expected. Your friend is unreliable, he doesn't even know why I'm still dating him. At least he was in good company with a gorgeous man who is totally in keeping with his aesthetic.
"Some problem?" Alexandre asked when seeing the strangeness when seeing the message.
"My friend left and left me alone, the basics." He replied, sighing. Then he stopped at the other's eyes. Quickly accepted and he was already gone, it wouldn't hurt to end his night with a little more fun. "Do you want to stay here?"
"Do you want to go out?"
"I want to have fun somewhere else." Chris smirked and Alex reciprocated, I understand his intentions.
"Okay, follow me, I'll just let my friends know and we'll go."
"Go there."
The door opened and the lights came on, illuminating the entire space. The room was nice and big, with a glass door at the back leading out onto the balcony and the scenery of lights and buildings, as well as the sky sparse of stars and a crescent moon. Inside, a very large double bed, with a black and white wardrobe in the corner, connected to cabinets, and also a table with chairs on the opposite side, great for having a good breakfast. The bathroom followed the same decor as the bedroom, all black and white, with the marble in the sink being white and the one around the bathtub black.
Christian entered first, taking his steps to the bed and sitting up, looking around. It was a new place for him, after all, he never rented a room in that hotel, even though he travels a lot due to his work. He saw many places and what he found was a nice place, clean and well decorated, very suitable for his taste. He would appreciate waking up to such a view, so he made a mental note that his next trip would be in a room at this chain hotel.
His escort closed the door and locked it, following the same path as him and watched him standing in the middle of the hall. The gray eyes looked at him seriously and he showed no sign of moving, just standing there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. On his handsome face he had a mischievous smile, similar to what Christian had too.
"I didn't expect it to take me straight to a hotel room." He commented, starting the conversation and breaking the silence between the two.
"I thought I wanted to go somewhere fun. Wasn't that the fun?" He asked, going to sit in the chair next to the bed and facing him.
"I was thinking of something more normal, like an arcade or fast food." He replied. "Although I'm not against your idea of fun."
"I noticed. You didn't complain about anything all the way here, did you?" She reached out and grabbed the other's palm, pulling him to her. Alexandre supported Christian in his lap, their faces glazed over each other. The gray eyes in the brown. "As if you wanted to."
"And why would I refuse?" He questioned, bending down to ear level. The voice that came out caused the skin to tingle, along with a shiver, thanks to the breath, in Alex. "I said, I was interested. And when interest comes to the door, why not take it?"
"You are right. And I am also very interested." The two looked at each other for a few seconds. "May I pick it up?"
"Want an answer?" He said sensually. "When is she right in front of you?"
The sentence ended with a roll on Alexandre's lap. The friction between the bodies excites the two men who began to notice the heat in their bodies that were rising. During such an act, the fronts of the two touched, indicating the state of each to the other. Christian opened a malicious smile, being very close to Alexandre, as if he was going to kiss him at any moment, but the movement did not come from him, but from the gray one.
With his free hand, Alex put it behind the man's head and pushed it forward, touching what he wanted so much that night, his lips, and feeling their soft and smooth texture, with a taste of strawberry due to the drink he had. recently drunk. The tongue soon invaded their opening, touching the other and starting a battle of dominance to know which of the two would win. Christian was enjoying the dominance and grip he had; it was one of the best kisses he was having and it was sure to do more than take her breath away. However, he didn't want to surrender so easily, he would have to fight some more.
A new round was about to start after they had stopped breathing and a thread of saliva connecting them. Their eyes were on each other, pupils dilated with excitement, and the desire shown by the other. They knew from the kiss that the night would yield, because the chemistry they felt was great and something they never had before.
Chris moved his hands that were behind Alexandre's thick neck to the cheeks of his face, squeezing them with a little pressure as he pulled her and started a new kiss. This time, it was more intense than the previous one, with an even fiercer fight to know who would dominate the other there. A fiery and horny fight, which both performed, but at the same time enjoyed the pleasure they felt in having each other's touch.
The erection of the two crossed over the pants by the unconscious movements they made. They were very close, wanting to remove each other's clothes, in what would be their third kiss right after the second. There was no reason to stop or pause to breathe like the first one, because they were too focused on each other.
Alexandre suddenly stood up, forcing Christian's hands to go behind his neck and hold tightly, as well as his legs to go around his waist and encircle her, hanging on to him. The big and strong hands were supporting the body that never moved away, on the contrary, it approached even more, and squeezing the two sides with a little force so that the distance became null. He walked a few steps over to the bed and collapsed on top of Chris onto the mattress. Without stopping for a moment, he started kissing her on the sides, on her neck and at the foot of her ear, until he returned to her mouth again.
His movements were careful, but all the time he moved his waist so that the friction intensified, one of his hands went down to his waist and entered under the other's white shirt and touched his chest with muscles, proving his conjecture that he worked out. . The other was around Christian's neck in a moderate but firm grip as the man delighted in everything he felt about him, especially his kisses.
Every time his lips moved away from the other and went to another area, shivers were felt and gasps came out of the red lips, making them more erotic. He watched with his gray eyes enthralled by the reactions he elicited. The red face, the labored breathing, the lustful gaze turned to him whenever she met him. It made him want to devastate him.
A crooked smile crept onto Christian's face as his eyes locked with each other. It was both a provocation and a confirmation; he was loving it.
Alex pulled away for a moment and got on his knees on top of the bed. His chest rose and fell quickly in search of air due to the activity he had just done. His head was turned down and he saw the figure of the man not unlike himself, but with the hair messed up, the shirt halfway to his chest, the red and swollen lips and the flush that consumed his face.
Gods, it was quite a sight.
He took off his sneakers and his mate's. Then, his shirt, revealing all his well-worked muscles from training and time spent in the gym. The firm and large breasts, the six-pack abdomen and the biceps immediately attracted a piercing look from him, which caused a smile on his face, being desired by his object of desire.
He didn't take long to kiss him again.
Christian was aroused, burning with arousal and desire, only being sated when he felt that man on top of him, his lips on his, his touch on every part of his body and his dominant eyes causing a certain pressure. However, it is also because of him that he wanted more. The flames that were sated likewise rose and clamored in greed.
His fingers traced every inch of the man's skin and danced down his arms and the back of his neck, feeling the thousands of soft strands in his palm and the softness and firmness of his muscles. His grip wasn't strong, but firm. He wanted to touch every part of him to prove it was real and demonstrate how he felt, even if they weren't past foreplay yet.
Sometimes, between breaths, he heard the thick gasps he made in his ear, a pleasant sound that caused certain sound stimuli in certain parts.
It was being great, his hip movements made it explicit. Christian went out of his way to show how fond he was of Alexander, as well as a silent plea for more.
The white shirt was removed, the red coat he had been wearing for a long time was thrown in some corner of the room, and the pink lips created a trail from the neck towards the chest, with a little saliva remaining from the occasional bites that Alex made, producing moans painful and pleasurable that was very welcome to him. This only incited him even more, as he strongly marked every part he saw that would definitely stay on that skin for a few days. He would show traces of his actions and that that man had belonged to someone. To him.
He wasted no time in seeing the nipples on her breasts and he took one into his mouth, sucking and licking it, while the other was touched in many ways by his free hand. Christian's moans grew more frequent and louder as Alexander's actions became a little rougher, like the areola biting and pulling. His tongue teased the hard tip and his teeth brushed around it. He enjoyed it very well, passing it to the other to taste it.
The hand that was free from his new hobby was facing downwards, more precisely between the legs of the man who was moaning deliciously to himself. He walked over, feeling the stiffness beneath the cloth and teasing him. Christian felt irritated for wanting to get rid of the clothes covering his legs and free them from the prison that made him uncomfortable with the heat he felt in them, but he couldn't yet. He was in the other's hands and he wanted to see how he would proceed as long as he remained passive.
The man soon got tired of the fun, but thought his work was beautiful when he saw them swollen, red and with bite marks. He started the act of kissing each part again, heading downwards, and when he got there, he stood up and took off the pants the other was wearing, revealing dark colored boxers and a high rise. He turned his face to look at him and saw Chris's longing eyes telling him to hurry up, but he wanted to tease him even more. Hearing the long-suffering, frustrated moans he's come to enjoy.
He bent down again, with his face above her waist, touching her better and kissing the black fabric above. His fingers squeezed the member, causing shivers and good sounds, as he watched her face even redder and steeped in lust. And Christian saw it all. The handsome, masculine face at his waist, kissing slowly while squeezing to the point of causing a throb and teasing him, was a beautiful and uplifting sight, leaving him even more rigid than he was before. It was desperate and his member wanted freedom to act as he wanted.
Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long.
Alex's fingers went to the hem of his underwear and pulled it down, releasing the member that jumped out of stiffness and was revealed. It didn't take long for him to encircle it with his palm and pump it up and down, eliciting more moans from the force he used and the occasional squeeze on him. However, what made Chris moan so much was the thumb he brushed against the tip every time he rose, producing an itch and a jolt of sensitivity. And Chris moaned, having his peak as a wet, warm space surrounded him all over.
"Haaa…" he yelled rather loudly, seeing him swallow his entire member at once.
Alexandre swallowed the entire rigid phallus, circling his tongue all over the body and paying special attention to the head. He also felt a sweet but sour taste of the liquid that came out of the head a little. He didn't mind, but continued what he was doing, going up and down, eliciting sighs, groans, gasps and curses from the other party. His head soon felt the man's hands surrounding it and his hair being pulled a little in expression of the pleasure he felt.
A sudden force was present when his face had to meet his belly and the volume was swallowed to the base, touching the back of his throat. He didn't complain, he even liked it, and let himself be guided and used as he pleased. Up and down was what he did, getting a howl whenever he touched the head and sucked with pleasure. In the end, his hair was pulled and he pulled away from the phallus, making him look up and find the brown stained with black in its center, along with a malicious smile.
His hair was pulled even more, showing his face better, and with it, his lips red with spit spit, the flush in his cheeks, and his breathing even harder than at the beginning. Christian increased his smile even more and approached him, getting close to his ear, touching their breasts, and speaking in a sensual and provocative tone.
"You think you're the only one who wants to have fun?" He bit down on his earlobe, running his hand down his large pectoral and squeezing the manifestation of desire. A moan escaped her pink lips, a revenge on Christian. "I think it's my turn, honey."
He left no chance to respond and neither did Alex. His neck was soon kissed and bitten hard enough to leave marks that would last even longer than the ones on his skin. Pain and pleasure mixed together, making it a delicious feeling to know he was being experienced by the other. It wasn't delicate, let alone affectionate, but it contained pure desire and excitement, as well as a touch of being kissed on the spot right after the act.
Christian pushed him back to where he was before and went straight as he ripped off the pants the other was wearing. Shapely legs were revealed and he stopped for a moment to admire them. The man wondered how the gray could be so beautiful, it looked like a work of art made exclusively to look at, but now it was staining and corrupting her without any hesitation. He would enjoy this night a lot, once would not be enough for him to be satisfied with this body, this man, this feeling.
He soon went to his underwear, pulling them down, but began a light masturbation with one hand, while squeezing a nipple and continuing to kiss him everywhere he saw. From your feet, ankles, to your biceps and shoulders. His neck was the most affected part, as he lightly scratched his chest towards his hip. Alexandre did nothing, he just surrendered and let himself be abused, liking how the man made him feel and listening only to the sounds of suckling and his greedy moans for more of what he received.
Afterwards, a howl was made as he felt the other's lips encircle him and a suck was made with the perfect touch of strength. The heat was good and a very good feeling coursed through his body. His fingers went to her head, but soon his wrist was taken and pinned to her belly. The brown went straight to gray and a smug, sly smile curved the corner of her lips, along with a teasing message that Alex understood. He wasn't supposed to interfere with the man's fun.
It was revenge, for making him longing and frustrated that he wouldn't hear her silent plea right now. All he could do was sigh with pleasure and moan in an attempt to make him feel sorry for himself.
Christian reveled in the hardness of his mouth as he went through his motions. He nibbled with his lips, never letting his teeth touch, and taking a deep throat at times, going even louder for the sweet sounds he heard. He pulled away and focused his eyes on the figure of the man who was breathing heavily. His body was full of bites from top to bottom, with red areas thanks to his pinches and saliva where his kisses were given. All the firmness and softness was felt on his lips and seeing him like this, he couldn't help but lick his lips. At the end, he looked straight into the gray eyes, which conveyed what he did: desire.
"Now, all I want: use me." He proclaimed in a good tone.
Alex watched him, stopping to breathe for a moment. He cracked a smile soon after, containing the savagery he was holding back, which now with the other's permission could release it.
"As you say." He just said, before pulling him away.
Christian's head crashed against the other's hard member again, this time it wasn't he who commanded the rhythm, but the other. His hair was pulled hard as he was pushed and his hips were rocked back and forth. There were small tears in her eyes that insisted on not coming down and excited Alex. His throat was hit every time with power and speed and he didn't complain, because it was his request and he was really enjoying it.
Alex kept going, at a ferocious pace, breathing hard and fast, struggling to hit him over and over again until he released for the first time that night deep in the man's throat. He roared aloud with it, at the sensation of heat and pleasure that surrounded his entire body with the orgasm of the moment. And Christian gulped it all down as he held his breath and struggled not to drop anything.
Chris didn't even have a chance to breathe, as he was soon lifted and kissed by Alex, his neck being squeezed tight and hard and his tongue in a furious clash with the other. This time, he followed his rhythm, dominated, like a dance where he surrendered and let himself be guided. And the taste shared between the two.
Alex's hands went down his back, going towards a place below his back. He circled the place, creating Chris' hunger for more, but he knew it wasn't time yet. The man went to his ear and, between deep breaths, said:
"You are delicious." Followed by a loud crack. It was a slap on the left side of the ass, which caused a loud groan from Christian.
Alex then picked up the body and threw it beneath him, trapping it with both wrists in his hand above the other's head. He soon reached over to the bedside table and opened the top drawer, pulling out the condom and lube. Complimentary hotel service.
In his hand, he uncovered the lubricant with his mouth and passed it on the region that would soon be abused by him. He put a lot of it in and then used his fingers to spread the gel evenly, making Chris's nether regions feel somewhat chilled and fresh. The first finger was soon inserted, causing discomfort in the rather silent receiving man. The member felt sucked and squeezed by the inner walls, while he explored deeper and deeper, until the moment he could go no further.
The entry and exit movements were made, followed soon after by another finger and the third, all eliciting sighs and moans thanks to their accomplishments. Especially when they played a part that made him let out something even louder than before. Gray eyes gleamed with satisfaction and pure malice dawned as she watched him squirm in a grimace at the sudden shock of pleasure.
"I found something interesting, didn't I?" He said laughing, not waiting for an answer, but ringing again. And again. And again. Each time accompanied by the sounds he liked the first time he heard it.
A tearing sound followed in the environment and the condom was opened. He placed it on his hard cock, momentarily releasing Christian from his imprisonment. Soon after, he turned him around, watching him breathe and put him on all fours. He leaned over him, pressing his broad chest to the other's not-so-thin and pretty back, and the rod touching more than once what he wanted so much.
"As you want? All at once or little by little?" He questioned Alex with a husky, sexy voice in his ears. A momentary tingle occurred in Christian's ear, but he just turned away.
"As you wish. I said use me." She replied smiling, wiggling her ass on the hard cock she rubbed a lot. He really wanted that soon and all he thought about was rushing the other to do what he had to do. "Just fuck me like I know you want to."
A laugh was made on Alex's part. He just said, "Okay."
And without warning, he lunged in, at the same time biting the man's neck a little harder. Christian howled even louder in pleasure and pain, both from the unexpected invasion and the bite. He saw stars and smiled at the rough way he was fucked, satiating his will. And Alex moaned loudly too from the heat and tightness on his cock, it was so good he didn't want to leave.
His hands went straight to her hips and held tight and firm so she was still. Neither of them made the extra moves, but Christian firmly bit his lip getting used to the bulge inside him. He knew he'd hit the nail on the head when he saw the man he was screwing was so well endowed, with a big, rather thick cock. Alex was just standing still so as not to hurt him, as it had to be good for both of them in the end.
Some time passed until a roll was made and the signal for Alexandre to start moving was given. Wasting no time, the man withdrew his cock and thrust it even deeper at a slow pace, which was gaining momentum as the times increased and Chris's pained moans became of pleasure and louder.
"M-more…" He moaned and stuttered, urging the other to go faster and harder. He wanted to feel everything.
"What? That's not enough?" He questioned, bouncing hard on the two plump bands of the beautiful ass he envisioned. "Do you want it that much stronger? Want me to be faster? So say it loud and clear what you want."
"I w-want m-more." He said between thrusts that grew more vigorous with each word.
"Say it louder. I'm not listening." Alex spoke, giving an even stronger thrust, pushing forward the body that was fucked by you.
"M-more. Fuck me h-h-harder." Chris repeated. "H-hard and fast." He struggled to say it without stuttering, but groaning even louder.
"Fine, I will accomplish what you want." He replied, ready to grant the wish. "But you have to take my order. Shake it for me every time I fuck you, move that ass. Show me how much you want it."
Christian didn't answer, but he groaned even louder and wiggled on his cock every time he drove even deeper. Alex was going at a very high speed, with strength and claw, leaving red marks of his fingerprints on the skin from so much pressure that he exerted in that position. He slapped and an imprint of his palm registered, and then another on the other side. Each time Chris moved more frequently, as if he was asking more of Alex.
The man turned him over, with his back to the bed and his face turned towards him. His legs were trapped around her waist and her body on top of him, putting her weight on. Alex leaned over him and their lips touched, stifling the moans that came out of their lips. They moaned in unison with each movement of the man's pelvis going deeper and deeper into Christian. They were loving each other's chemistry, feel, desire and body.
It was a night filled with lust and pleasure.
The act continued and Christian wanted more contact with intimacy as he moaned his name in his lover's ear, making him even more aroused and the cock throbbing inside him. And while that was done, Alex nibbled on her ear and neck amidst her sighs of pleasure. It was really good to be in it.
Alex got up and with him, both legs were placed on his shoulder, and his hands again on his hips with strength and firmness. He propelled himself forward and his body backwards. The vision he had of his partner surrendering to him was sublime, very pleasant and created tremendous synergy in him with the fact that he was fucking him. The inside was hot, very hot, and tight, circling and squeezing him out all the time, with the sporadic flickers he felt every couple of moments.
He would devour the man and gladly indulge in the act.
Christian was no different. The man's grip all over his body felt great and the feel of him inside her was even better. He fucked him so well and when he got the specific part right it was even better. He was enjoying it a lot, especially when he buried himself inside him even more, biting him and kissing him, or all three, it was perfect and very tasty. Gods, it was perfect, he admitted.
The thrusts grew more intense in a moment and the moans louder. The strongest power and the deepest dunks. It was the apex that was showing its signs of reaching both and it soon came to fruition. With a very strong thrust, a thumping sound greater than the previous ones was heard and Alex leaned over Christian again, this time coming hard in the condom he was wearing. The man below was no different, he also came and the thick white liquid spread over both of their bodies.
They were both breathing fast to catch their breath, tired and ecstatic from the exercises they had just done. Alex withdrew from inside and walked away, getting on her knees on the bed and looking at her partner who returned the look with a big, very happy smile. He was too, the moment with him was great.
"It was great." Christian said. "You were great."
"Thanks." He responded.
"Only… I want more." He spoke, seeing that the other wasn't surprised. It looks like he did too, from the smirk on his face. "But let me have a glass of water first, how about that?"
"It's fine by me. I want it too." Alex replied referring to both things, seeing the man stand up and the red marked ass he had just used was in front of him. He got that wistful look again and went to throw the used condom.
It was just a break in their night of lust. And their exercises lasted two more times before they wore out and they went to sleep tired and happy.
An irritating sound was present in the silent environment, dimly lit by the sun that entered through the cracks in the curtains. Christian in bed first frowned as he woke up because of the sound, until he woke up a little sullen and looked at the source of the sound. It was a cell phone, his more specifically. He reached out his hand and took it, seeing that it was a message from his friend, the traitor.
[Pedrosaurus: What is that? Why did you send me your location?]
[Pedrosaurus: Wait, is that what I'm thinking? Tell me yes.]
[Pedrossauro: And I thought I was the only one who would have fun. but who knew, you did it too.]
[Pedrosaurus: The cobwebs of heaven have finally been removed uhu.]
[Me: Fuck you.]
[Pedrossauro: Calm down, it doesn't even feel like you fucked yesterday. And I did really well yesterday :D]
[Pedrossauro: Or was it bad to be like this?]
[Pedrosaurus: Where are you?]
[Me: In xxxxx]
[Pedrosaurus: It must have been great to still be in the hotel.]
[I went. Now can you pick me up in half an hour?]
[Pedrosaurus: In forty-five minutes, yes.]
[Me: Serve.]
He threw the phone back into place and stretched, feeling pain all over his body, but he remembered the cause of them and smiled, feeling satisfied. He turned back and saw the body still lying on the sheets and the face of the man who caused all this sleeping like an angel and expressionless. Seeing it now, he saw once again how beautiful he was and that he'd done well to enjoy the other one more than once during the night.
He didn't regret anything.
He got up and got ready, preparing to leave in less than an hour, for that was what his friend could be trusted to do. He was ready in less than twenty minutes and looked at Alexander on the bed. He approached and detailed his hand through her hair, making a light caress and smiling. He was a great lover for one night and their chemistry was incredible. Christian wasn't someone who acted like this after a one-night stand, where he'd only had two, counting this one, but he thought better of it and why not?
Shortly after Chris left, Alexandre woke up. First, he looked at everything not recognizing, then remembering what happened and turning to the side of the bed that had no one, he thought that the man had left or had gone to have breakfast, but probably the first option. His chest sank at the thought of it and with the consequent assumption that he wouldn't find him again.
He turned and took out his cell phone to check the time, but as soon as he saw it he noticed a note on the side, with numbers and a written message. It said to call him to repeat the night or just to ask him out, with his phone number attached. He smiled and laughed, a little brighter in his day.