Chapter 7

"I bumped into a guy many times today.. It felt weird." you say. "Who is it?" Akari asks.

Just then you reach your home. "Come on in.. I will explain in my room.." you invite Akari inside your house.

Your mother greets her and gets you some snacks. After you reach your room, Akari looks around forgetting about the doll and everything. Suddenly, she steps back terrified and falls on the ground, with her hands covering her gasp.

Your brother picks her up and asks, "What happened? Are you okay?" She points towards the window and you both look there.

It was the doll looking with the broad smile and huge eyes. It wasn't a jumpscare for you but for your brother it was worse than a fail in the exams.

"What the hell!! What is that.. That thing?!" he shouts. "Say hello to the doll I was talking about." you say smiling sarcastically.

"That is much more creepy after seeing it in person.. I am sorry, I just fell like that." Akari apologizes.

Author- She is so nice.. Here is an introduction for Akari.

-Akari Hitomi-

-An average girl

-Very polite and courteous

-Was known as a genius in her past schools and she still is one

-Will support you if you get on her good side. If you get on her bad side.. Well, she will be the last thing you see.

-Likes Kiyoshi Takashi


"It's fine.. I was terrified at first too.." you say smiling. "Yeah.. You were talking about the guy that you kept bumping into today.." your brother reminds you.

"Yeah.. His name is Kiyoshi Takashi.. He was staring at me during the painting class and bumped into me a lot of times.." you say. "Yeah.. That's not creepy.. He is just interested in you." your brother says calming down.

"No.. That can't be...." Akari mumbles. "What do you mean?" you ask. "Oh, nothing.. Said that by mistake.." she says.


"Don't tell me.. You like him or something?" your brother asks. "No! What are you talking about?" she shouts blushing. "Heh.. " you smile. "Chill.. I am sure he doesn't like me.." you reassure her.

She blushes more and then tells you both about her crush.

After that, you guys look at the doll and talk about it for a while. After that, Akari leaves as it was getting late. You guys go down to see her off when your brother calls you.

"Hey sis? That doll in your room.. It has a camera in it.." he says. You look at him surprised and ask, "What?" And run straight to your room. It wasn't there.

"Where is it?" you ask yourself running around the room. "What in the world? Where did it go?" you ask and run downstairs to ask your brother.

"I can't find the doll.. Do you have it?" you ask. "No.. Wasn't it on the window?" he asks back. "It isn't there now.." you say.

You both run to your room and try to find it but fail to do so.

"Where could it go? Did someone take it?" your brother asks. "But nobody was here except Akari.." you say. You both look at each other and he asks, "Did she take it?"


"Not possible.. You saw how terrified she was after looking at the doll, right?" you ask back. Suddenly your mother walks in the room. "Did your friend leave?" she asks. "Yeah.." your brother says.

"What a sweet girl she is.." your mother says smiling. "Come on now.. Dinner is getting cold.." she calls you.

Meanwhile outside the window-

"That was a close call.. That brother of hers is a smart fellow.. I have to be careful.." someone says with the doll in their hands.

-Who do you think it is?

Comment your answers.


The next day at school, you ask Kiyoshi about the doll. "Oh.. Is that the case in which two or more students were stalked and never seen again?" he asks most calmly. "Yeah.." you say.

"That is one nice case, honestly... Quite a thrill.. Why do you ask, though?" he asks. "Oh.. Just heard some students talking about it yesterday.." you say making excuses.

During the break, you decide to go to Tsukiyomi's class. He is all alone in his class and is writing something on his book and smiling. "Um, Hi?" you greets him after walking in the empty class.

He looks at you and says, "Hi, how are you? Haven't seen you for a few days.." "Heh.. I got a little busy with school. Anyways, what are you writing?" you ask looking at the book.

He instantly closes it and says, "Um, sorry. I can't show you that yet.. But when the time comes, I will."

"K... Let's hang out after school. I will call some of my friends and we can go to arcade or something, as it is weekend." you say smiling.

"OK.. I will meet you at 5 near the park.. I think you live near it. Kiyoshi told me.. I also live somewhere around there.." he says. "Ok. See ya then. Bye." you say and get back to your class.

While walking from school, you ask Akari, "Um.. After you left yesterday, I couldn't find the doll.. Did you take it?"

She looks surprised and replies, "No, why would I take it? It is very creepy.. And I don't think I told you but I hate dolls." "I told you she wasn't the one.. The doll disappeared after you left, so we kind of suspected you.. Sorry.." your brother apologises. "Yeah, sorry." you apologise as well.

You then invite her to go to the arcade at 5 and she agrees. "Can I join you all?" your brother asks. "Yeah, sure." you answer.

Just then you bump into Kiyoshi who was eating ice cream. "Hey.." he says. "Hi.. I just wanted to ask.. Will you join us for going to the arcade at 5?" you ask directly. Akari looks at you angrily but your brother helps her out.

After you reach home, Akari shouts, "Why did you invite him?! I can't do this..." "Chill.. I did it for you. Now you can get close to him, or at least become friends." you say smiling. She just looks at you and says nothing before leaving for her house.

"Hey, mom." your brother says throwing his bag at the sofa. "Hi dear. Keep your bag properly, or no video games for this whole day." your mother says. "Urg! But its weekend!" your brother shouts.

"Yeah, anyways we have a plan to hang out with our friends." you inform your mother. "Oh ok.. When and where are you going?" she asks. "To arcade at 5." you reply. "Ok.. Now, go freshen up and come have lunch. Take a rest and then you guys can go."

After lunch and taking a small nap-

"Bye mom! We are going now!" you shout. "Ok honey, be careful!" your mother shouts back. You go outside and unexpectedly find....
