Chapter 15

After walking a little, you come across the creepy house and find Tsukiyomi in front of it as well.

"Um.. Hey.." you say walking to him. "Oh .. Hey.. " he says startled. Just as he turns his face, you see dark circles under his eyes.

"Um.. I didn't sleep much yesterday.." Tsukiyomi says after noticing your gaze on the dark circles.

"Ok.. So what are you looking at?" you ask.

"Oh.. Um.. Nothing.." he says. You stop asking questions and start walking.

"Um.. So Tsuki.. You look quite nice now.." Akari says after a while. "Thanks.." he says.

"Bro.. You changed so much.. Even though sis told me about your sudden body change yesterday, I still couldn't recognize you.." Y/B says with a smile.

Tsuki laughs a little and frowns immediately. You notice this and ask, "Tsuki, Is everything ok?"

He looks at you for a second and then smiles and says, "Yeah.. Don't worry about it." "Are you sure?" Akari says as well, after noticing the worried look on his face.

"Yeah!" he says smiling. About five minutes later, you arrive at school. As soon as Tsuki enters from the main entrance, a few girls come out with chocolates.

"Wait... Shit!! Its Valentine's Day?!" Tsuki and Y/B shout. "Oh yeah.." you say calm as ever. "I forgot about that.." Akari say laughing at herself.

The boys then start running. "Y/B!!" a girl shouts running after them. "Um.. I didn't know my brother is that famous." you say.

"Oh.. He is very famous on our floor. Everyone knows him." Akari says. "Damn.. Did you bring any chocolates?" you ask her.

"I am so stupid.. I forgot it is Valentine's today.." she says holding the back of her head.

"Anyways, I gotta head to my class. See ya later." you say and start walking up the stairs.

"Ok.. Bye!" she says and goes the other way.

You reach your class and find no girl in the class but a few chocolates on tables. "Damn.." you say heading to your desk.

You keep your bag down and notice something wrapped up in a tidy manner under your desk. You take it out and discover a chocolate.

"To my beloved. Y/N." you read the message on it. "Is this for me? Or it fell from someone's desk? But it has my name on it.." you think.

"A girl wrapped this.. Definitely.. A guy wouldn't buy Barbie stickers and pink ropes just for a chocolate.." you say in a low voice.

You ask one of the boys in the classroom, if it belonged to anyone or anyone came and kept it on your desk.

"Nah.. Bro. I didn't see anyone.. Maybe that person wrote the name.." a guy suggests.

"There is my name written on it.." you say. "Oh. I guess it is for you then.." he says.

Just then a girl walks in and drags you out. "Um.. Excuse me.. Could you let go?" you say struggling to take your hand.

"Oh. Sorry." she says. "So, why did you bring me here?" you ask. "Um.. The chocolate is for you from me. I like you!" she shouts and looks down immediately.

You looks at her for a while and a few students come outside their classrooms to check out the drama.

"Ew.. It is a lesbian.." someone murmurs from around you. Hearing this, you feel disturbed and raise the girl's head.

"Um.. I apologize but I can't accept this.." you say. "Ok. I understand." she says frowning.

"Just reject her in a harsh manner.." some guy shouts from behind.

"Please don't say anything to her.." you say loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Why are you defending her? Are you lesbian?" some other girl shouts from a classroom.

"I am not lesbian, but bi.." you say. She looks at you with a smile.

"Alright students return to your classes!" a teacher shouts. Everyone starts disappearing and soon the girl as well returns to her class after thanking you.

As you enter the classroom, a guy classmate says to you, "Bro. I didn't know you are bi.."

"Hm.. It is the truth though." you say and sit on your seat. The teacher then enters and starts teaching.

After school-

You come out of the entrance and just find Akari standing and waiting. "Hey.. Where is Y/B?" you ask.

"Um.. I didn't actually see him anywhere from morning after all the girls ran behind him.. Nor have I see Tsuki." she replies.

"Oh.. Maybe he faked a illness and then went home." you say.

Just as you start walking, you hear someone shouting your names. "Y/N!!! AKARIIIII!!"

You both turn around suddenly and see Y/B and Tsuki running. "Holy moo moo!" you shout smiling.

"Help m- Us!!" they both shout. You both wait for them to come and then you all flee from there.

"Come here!!" you shout finding a car garage. They all scurry in the garage and you shut the door.

After catching a breath, you ask them, "Have you both been running like this.. since morning?"

"Well.. During classes.. Only the girls in my class troubled me.. But in break and now.. They just didn't leave me alone." Y/B explains.

"Same here.. The whole grade girls were running behind me.. I just came to school a few days back.." Tsuki says.

Akari starts laughing and you crack a small smile too. "It isn't funny.. Man.." Y/B says crouching down on the floor.

Tsuki remains quiet for a while and then checks a small window.

"They are gone.." he mumbles in a low voice. Everyone hears him as the garage is silent.

"Let's go out then.. It is getting late. Our parents might get worried." Akari says.

"Ok/Right/Hmm." everyone agreed and you all stepped out of the garage.

One by one, everyone reached to their respective houses.

"We are back, mom!" you and Y/B shout. "Ok! Come have food now!! It is getting cold!" your mother shouts from the kitchen.

"Ok!" you both say and run to the kitchen.

After dinner-

"I am tired.. Those two dumb idiots made me run so much.." you say sighing while lying on the bed.

Your eyes then go to the tall, black cupboard. "I feel like there is something in there I forgot about.. What is it?" you think.

"Meh.. I will check tomorrow... " you say and get into your blanket and fall asleep.
