Chapter 18

During the break, many of your old friends come to meet you after knowing you came back.

But unfortunately, the one you were expecting the most, didn't come and in fact C/N, wasn't even there in the school anymore.

You ask a few classmates and they inform you that he has been absent for the past week.

After school, you go to your house and rest for a while. Then you finish your studies and go for a walk around the neighborhood with Tsuki.

On the way, you stumble across a playground which wasn't constructed when you lived there. There on the swing, you see a familiar face.

You walk closer little by little and recognize the guy. It is C/N.

You start walking close to him with your heart beating faster than ever and sit on the swing beside him.

"Hey." you say in a low voice.

His eyes widen as if he recognized you voice and turns towards you. "Y/N??" he asks with his voice breaking.

"Hi." you say feeling ecstatic. He immediately gets up and hugs you. You hug him back and say, "I am sorry for not contacting you for a long time.. I got really busy and as I was coming back I wanted to surprise you."

He doesn't utter a single word and keeps hugging you for a while. After a little while, he lets go of you and then kisses you on the lips.

You didn't see it coming and run out of breath fast. Tapping on his chest with all the little strength you had after the tiring day, you try to push him away.

He moves and says with a slight blush and a flirty smirk, "I missed this feeling."

You blush and remain speechless. Just then you remember about the bracelet. You take it out from your pocket and keep it in your hand, visible to C/N.

He picks his hand up and you see the bracelet hanging from his wrist. You take his bracelet and observe the cute lock.

You take the key from your bracelet and open the lock. "Well.. I can't actually say that you are in my heart now.. You were always there." he says smiling.

You smile and hug him.

From a distance, Tsuki is standing and watching your acts with C/N. A furious look on his face scares most of the people walking past him.

He apologizes after he hears a kid whining to his mother about Tsuki being scary.

You then call Tsuki to C/N and make them introduce themselves.

Still unable to calm his anger, Tsuki mumbles, "Hi. I am Tsukiyomi Hayashi. Call me Tsuki like Y/N Chan does."

"Chan? Um. Ok. I am C/N." C/N says thinking about the 'Y/N Chan'.

After chatting for a while, you return back to home and sleep happily and relieved.

From the next day onwards, your life becomes more exciting. C/N, Jennifer and Tsuki were always hanging with you.

You introduced Tsuki to most of your friends. I mean, Tsuki already became famous and one of the hottest guys in the school.

"Well, that was bound to happen." you think looking at the girls running behind him.

"At least he'll stay fit." C/N jokes and you smile.

Just like that about three or four months passed. Y/B got to know about your relationship with C/N through some friends of his and created a tantrum on it.

After properly interviewing C/N, he finally approved C/N worthy of you.

On a rarely boring day, you go to the park in the evening since you have nothing to do. Walking around the park, you remember the old lady, Pethra and the Female Alpha of the North City.

"Damn.. I forgot about that.." you think heading back home but stop after noticing C/N again on a swing.

You have only seen him twice sitting on a swing. Once when you came back and again now.

At that time, he looked sad. But now he just looked disturbed and confused. You run up to him without a second thought

"Wassup?" you ask. He turns up immediately, as if he got startled. "Oh. Hey." he says in a low voice.

"What is wrong? You look worried about something." you say. "Nothing, actually.. It is just that something weird happened and I just can't understand it." he says.

"Ok.. Let's talk about that then." you suggest. "Ok. So, I was returning from school a few days back and I came across this weird house.. I don't even know why I stepped in there." he explains.

Your eyes widen after hearing 'weird house'. Remembering some stuff, you hear what C/N is saying.

"I went in.. And explored the house a little. Then an old man popped out of nowhere in front of me and I jumped back." he says.

"Old man??" you mumble in a low voice. He doesn't hear you and continues, "He said something like Pethra and Male Alpha of West City.. He also said that I am the only member of the royal family and the clan left.."

"West City!!" you shout. He looks at you surprised and asks, "What happened?"

"Bro.. Me, Tsuki and Y/B met an old woman back in Japan. She also said similar things." you explain.

"Really? What did she say?" he asks. "I am the Female Alpha of North City.. Tsuki is the Male Alpha of the North City too and Y/B is the Male Alpha of East City.. We are all alphas.." you answer.

"Oh.. You and Tsukiyomi both are from North City.." he says. "Yep.." you say.

After chatting for a while, you return home as it is time for dinner and he returns to his house too.

At the dining table, you whisper to Y/B in a low voice, "I want to talk to you after dinner."

He looks at you with stuffed cheeks and motions a thumbs up sign.

In Y/B's room-

"C/N is the Male Alpha of WEST CITY." you say putting pressure on your words.

"West city? So we were right?" he asks.

"Hmm... But the thing is he met an old MAN in the weird house over HERE.. We met an old woman in Japan." you say confused.

"Old man.. The weird house is here too?" he asks with confusion on his face. "That is what C/N said.. I mean, not confirmed by me.." you reply.
