S2: Chapter 3

The next morning, you wake up and get dressed. After a heavy breakfast, you go to the Royal Library.

"That is a lot of books. Looks like, I am going to be here for a while now." you think and start by taking out a book about werewolves.

Page after page, you finished books and after about two hours, you go outside for walk.

"I kind of feel like.. drinking coffee." you say. Mavis, who was walking next to you asks, "What is coffee, Nevil?"

"Oh, um.. It is a drink I found in a.. in a book!" you say making up things. "Hmm, shall I ask the kitchen to make it?" she asks. "Umm... No, its fine." you reply. Just then, you see Tsukiyomi walking on a bridge.

He looks really mature and gives the observant character energy.

You start walking there and stop when you hear, "Ramen... My ramen. When will I enjoy it again? It was supposed to be Ramen night on Monday.."

You start laughing loudly and Tsukiyomi turns around. His face turns red and he says, "Didn't see you there."

"Bro, even I am missing foods and drinks from Japan." you say walking up to him. "Do you think the people here eat foods as such?" he asks.

"Nope, they just eat all kinds of meat. I mean it is definitely delicious." you say.

"I guess we can try making ramen though. Don't you think? We are free anyways." he says. "Hmm.. Yeah, we can try. I also spent my time in the morning reading some books." you say.

And so, to spend your time, you went to the kitchen and after a huge commotion with the chefs, you and Tsukiyomi start collecting the food items to make ramen.

"Flour, dried vegetables, oil and a scorching pot. I guess we got everything." he says.

"Yep, so first we need to knead and shape the dough, right?" you ask folding your sleeves.

"Yes, I will do that. You can start grinding the dried vegetables." he says.

"Understood, sir." you say and run to get the dried vegetable to make the powder.

After about an hour, you both are done with the work and noodles are kept in the pot to fry. Tsukiyomi checks the powder and adds more spice.

The noodles are fried and then boiled. The powder is then added to the noodles.

"Miss? What is this dish called?" Mavis asks.

"It is called ramen. Try tasting it." you answer. She takes a spoon and tastes the broth first. "It is flavored with too much spice." she says.

"That is a classic way of eating it. Now try the noodles, the one made with flour." you say.

She tastes and says, "I have never tasted anything like it before. The soft texture, the spice and the pieces of vegetables.. Are just perfect."

"Ok, good to know." Tsukiyomi says.

You eat and close your eyes to taste the heavenly noodles. "Woah. This is so good." you say.

"I feel like I am back at my house enjoying ramen while watching Naruto or something." he says.

A while later, you both go to the library and search for books related to transmigration. No book was related to such a topic.

It had became evening and you had to head back to rest. "Ok, then bye." you say smiling and start walking back to your place.

"Bye." he says and also heads back.

"Miss, you will have to learn a dance to entertain the guests. I believe you remember the dances you learnt before all of your birthdays." Mavis says.

"Um.. Yeah. I do. I will look for one tomorrow." you say.

Next morning, you find a dance which is a traditional dance and supposed to be performed on the 18th birthday of the Female Alpha.

You practice it all day long and the following day, you perform it with all the settings in place. It was a dance that was easy but used a lot for energy and brain power to execute the steps with coordination of legs and arms.

"Quite an easy dance. Just requires the perfect movement of the cloth with the hands." you think after finishing the dance.

"Wow! It looks so elegant. I bet everyone present in the banquet tomorrow will be impressed." Mavis says.

It was finally your birthday. All the preparations for a banquet were made and many guests were invited.

You made your way to the banquet and sat on a seat placed in the front. One by one, everyone arrived and soon your father arrived too.

"Thank you so much for joining us on my precious daughter's birthday today. She is turning eighteen and will officially become the Female Alpha of North City." your father says smiling.

Everyone congrats you and you thank them all. Just then Tsukiyomi, arrives and sits on a seat next to you.

"The one sitting on the third seat from the front is the Male Alpha of the East City." he whispers.

"Ok.. I will have a talk after the banquet." you say.

A few dancers, come and perform a beautiful dance. And finally , it was the time for you to perform.

Music starts playing from behind and you begin landing gentle steps on the ground and swinging the cloth with your hands.

All the people were smiling and watching the performance with delight.

And, at last, you ended the dance with a pose while sitting on the ground.

Their clapping started echoing and everyone complimented you and your father.

"This reminds me of the days when the Principal called me for awarding me with a trophy or something and then everyone clapped." you think returning back to your seat.

After the banquet finished-

You start bidding farewell and thanking everyone. Just then, the Male Alpha of East City walks past you and you say, "Um, excuse me, respected Alpha."

He turns back and asks, "Yes?

"Um, do you know anyone called Y/B?" you ask nervously.

He looks at you surprised and asks, "What? How do you..." You look at him smile and say, "Y/N, here."

Tsukiyomi walks to the both of you and says, "We have found Y/B too now."

Y/B then hugs you and says, "I thought I was stuck in this weird nightmare with no friends or family."

"Um.. This isn't a weird nightmare.." you say breaking the hug.
