S2: Chapter 14

"The food was actually really good." you say.

"I told you! Shall we head back now?" Mavis asks.

"Yes, let's go back." 

"I'll just go and pay. Wait for me outside." she instructs and walks away. You leave the restaurant and it was already evening. 

The people start lighting the lamps hanging outside of their respective shops. "That looks pretty." you think. You start walking around and are soon surrounded by people chattering and laughing.

You feel somewhat happy as it feels like a walk back home after school, it feels nostalgic. 

"Why do you have white fur?" a small girl asks.

"Oh, I got it from my mother. Does it look good?" you ask, smiling. "Your fur looks really pretty. Can we be friends?" she asks. 

"Sure." you say laughing now.

"Desma! Don't go off like that! Oh, greetings dear alpha. I apologize for my kid's behavior." a lady comes running and bows to you. "Oh, don't worry about it." you say and wave while walking away.

You start moving through the crowd, when suddenly a rough hand grabs your shoulder and starts pulling you towards the forest. 

"Hey-What are doing?" you ask and try escaping. 

"Just follow me. Shush." a masculine voice says and covers your mouth. "It's a guy. What is he tryna do? Why are we going towards the forest?? I shouldn't follow him." you think, still trying to wriggle out of his grip. 

He lets go of your hand and picks you up and starts carrying you on his shoulders. 

"Let me go!!" you shout even harder. 

You soon reach deep into the forest and then fall off his shoulders. "Ouch.. My butt.." you wince on the ground.

"Shit. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" he bent down on his knees. 

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here?" you ask moving back.

"Guess?" he asks.

You remain quiet for sometime..

"C/N?" You ask.

"Yeahh, it's me. Sorry about the weird kidnapping part. Couldn't risk showing my face. I went off to the central city in the first place to escape.." he says.

"Escape?" you ask.

"Yeah, someone shot a arrow at me while I was looking for water. And I ran towards the central city to hide amongst the crowd and found you." he explains.

"Oh.. Maybe you were shot upon Ramon's orders.." you say.

"Ramon? Who the hell is that?" he asks.

"You are being targeted by Ivail's father. Tsukiyomi's father.. I got to know and we'll try to do something about it. And Nevil's uncle will try to do something about it too.." you say.

"First off, can you tell me WHAT is going on?" he asks.

"It's a loooong story.. Huh?" you feel some liquid on your hands. With a closer look, you discover blood on your hands. 

"C/N, you're injured pretty badly.. How about you come over to my place? We'll mend your injuries there and I'll explain everything." you suggest.

"Too dangerous, that guy might kill you to get me." 

"He wouldn't. If he did, Nevil's father wouldn't rest until he punishes them. Now, let's go." you say.

You grab his hand and start pulling him towards the city. He covers his face with a mask and pulls his robe over his head.

"The one you are going to meet right now is your cousin sister. Elowen. Another surviving member of your family." you give him a quick introduction.

You walk around in search of Mavis and find her waiting near the same restaurant.

"Mavis!!" you scream through the crowd. She turns towards you, "Nevil! Don't go on disappearing like that!" she shouts and comes running towards you.

As she comes closer, you see her eyebrows slowly starting to frown.

"Nevil? Who's this?" she asks, more alert than professionally-trained police dog.

"Oh, I know he looks suspicious. With the weird clothing and all but don't worry.. Right now, we need to go back home." you say.

"As you say so." she says but you know her alertness hasn't come down one bit. 

After reaching home, you bring C/N over to your place and thankfully nobody notices.

"So, now are you going to tell me who this is?" she asks again.

"Well, Elowen.. Surprise." you say removing his mask.

Her eyes widen and she looks at you and looks back at him. "A-Alaric?" her voice trembles.

"Uh, yeah. How have you been, Elowen?" he asks, giving you a quick glance.

"Thank god, you are healthy. How I missed you. Have you been okay? Why are you bleeding?" she asks and hugs him.

You turn your head around and say, "I'll give you both some time alone.."

A few minutes later, C/N comes outside and stands beside you.
