No Way ...

Warmth spread throughout his body, Adam felt someone hover over him, a blurry face— yet familiar, he tried to open his mouth but his words trailed off before he could ask, before he could register what was happening, the guy closed what little distance they had and kissed him hard.

A harsh, unforgiving kiss.

A kiss that stole his breath from the deepest of his throat, wet, and messy, his eyes rolled back, the way the man sucked and bit his tongue made a chill run down his spine, following the wild rhythm of his tongue obediently.

A familiar scent surrounded him, Adam hit the man's shoulder lightly, he tried to take a few breaths before the man kissed him again, this time more gently, and slowly, like he wanted to explore every inch of his lips, tongue, and inside of his mouth.

His chest was tight, he felt hot, he wanted something more, as if the man could hear what he was thinking the man finally took his clothes off and slithered between his legs, teasing his genital with his tongue.

Except it was mostly torture, with the way the man pinned him down, both hands gripping his waist roughly, teasing the area around, biting his inner thighs as if he wanted to devour every parts of him, holding him in place as he teased and licked painfully slow.


'Please more!'

He didn't know he could say such things, this wasn't him, someone like Adam couldn't be like this. But the pleasure he felt bewitched his brain for more.

More than this. More than what the man was doing at this time. Please.

A warm tongue swiping his dick, the guy's mouth finally sucked it hard, a wet sound echoed in the room, making his ears turn red from the lewd sound.

'... Ah!' Adam whined, eyes closed and hand clutching the pillow right above his head.

Bucking his hips, his breathing catching up.

His eyes instantly turned white, body convulsing as he got his first orgasm, blinking his teary eyes— processing what just happened, the man lifted his head, smiling gently at Adam.

Platinum blond, and that cold blue eyes.

What? ..... Why?

Adam woke up with his eyes wide open, his hand clutching the blanket hard. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and Adam slowly moved his head, to the left and right.

White painted walls, brown wood ceiling, familiar paintings and decorations— he was in his room.

Realizing this, he breathed a sigh of relief but the discomfort between his legs made Adam flinch, he straightened up, opened his blankets and found his pants wet.

What the fuck.

This was the first time for Adam to have a wet dream at this age.

Then why was that man the subject of his dream? He'd never had such a vivid dream, it felt like it was really happening, the warmth, the smell, the touch, everything felt real.

"What the hell Adam! Someone like you had a dirty dream with a royalty, a high lord, prince of Barlow. Are you crazy?" Grumbling to himself, Adam massaged his suddenly throbbing forehead, pulling at his hair in annoyance.

Adam returned to check the room again, he winced as he accidentally held his chin too roughly. It didn't hurt that bad, at least it wasn't as bad as it was after he fought Harris. His body also felt lighter and the small wounds he had on his skin disappeared.

He recalled Prince Jacob releasing his pheromone at him.

'It's stronger than before, so stay still.'

Bathump— his chest thumped at the memory, so.. he fainted after that, and instead of thanking him he had a dirty dream with Prince Jacob. Shit.

He had never been like this, in fact, had never actually had a dream with someone he knew. The person in his dreams were always blurry.

Adam wiped the sweat off his forehead, trying to take a step but stopped when he felt his legs tremble, the lower part of his stomach throbbed. His body heated up.

--Wait, dont tell me...

it could not be heat because he hasn't been in heat for almost more than five years. After his hormones went awry through his own fault— Adam used to take too many suppressants in his teens that his hormones became unstable. He never had experience heat since then, due to this condition many doctors thought Adam would not be able to grow as a perfect omega. He could be infertile.

He remembered when he was examined by doctor Leika, the doctor's face contorted, he scolded Adam for taking the suppressant without caring about the dosage, and the effect he would get.

'What the hell were you thinking Adam?! You know what you're doing is dangerous?'

'I know you don't like having heat but what you're doing is strictly prohibited, your hormones can be damaged and you can be infertile—' She continued to nag, but Adam just shook his shoulder.

'If I become infertile, that's great.'

Adam answered calmly, in contrast to the doctor Leika who was angrily hitting his head. 'Not only that, if your hormones are damaged too badly you can die! Adam! For fuck's sake! Just listen to me!'

'Okay, okay, it's hurt! Stop hitting me! Doctor—'

"I don't hate kids, it's just that I'm not confident if I can raise them well." Adam whispered to himself. He had never imagined himself having children, but that didn't mean he hated them, more like he had no family experience so he could not possibly know how to live with one.

Adam shook his head, this thought made him remember his dark past before he stepped his feet on Grithda.

'Adam Reyns.'

A cold, dominant voice, passed thru his ears, no, it was only a voice in his mind. Hearing that voice, he only now realized that Prince Jacob had called his full name in the training area. Adam blinked again. That man, what did he want from him? First- knowing his full name, second- wanting him to come to Barlow as an omega knight.

"How did he know that name.."

'Adam Reyns.'

His entire body shivered, he felt his lower half twitch. Not this, he should not be thinking about that man. He had to call doctor Leika first to tell her his heat was coming back after more than 5 years of not having it.


"You're going to Barlow?"

Slapping Merlyn hard on the head, Adam glared at him "Lower your voice you idiot!"

Merlyn, not flinching at all, was still staring at Adam blankly, as if he had no idea what was going on, like what he had heard made no sense at all.

Adam clicked his tongue, he snorted then drank back the alcohol that was on the table, fortunately this afternoon the bar was not too crowded. In the evening it may be busier.

"I can't refuse, I lost the fight against a beta, tsk."


"Don't make me repeat myself! I said I lost the fight to Prince Jacob's personal knight—fuck." He hit the table aggressively, accidentally nudged the bottle, water spilled on his finger and he glared at them.

"You're going to melt your fingers with that gaze, Adam your temperament hasn't changed since then, and you tell me you're going to go to Barlow with that temper?"

"Shut up!"

Like I have a choice! he grumbled as he gripped the alcohol bottle rather hard. Merlyn shook his shoulders seeing that temper he chuckled a bit, how refreshing. He did not really know what happened yesterday in the right wing, but at least he understood why Adam had been asked to come to Barlow.

So prince Jacob came to Grithda yesterday, in that context alone it was obvious what they were going to talk about. But what really made him wonder was why only Adam. Prince Jacob could have asked more than the knight commander, for example he could have asked to be given five skilled doctors, even ten, or twenty and even then it would still be too little to ask for an alliance with a kingdom as big as Barlow.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Adam gritted his teeth. "Why me?" He wasn't looking at Merlyn but at the bottle of alcohol he was holding. Merlyn raised an eyebrow "Right, what was the reason I wonder.."

"—Don't tell me you will be used as a servant there?"

Adam's head quickly turned to Merlyn who was laughing, he was joking but Adam did not take it as a joke, he yelled. "He said he wants me to come as an omega knight!"

"Woah, calm down! I was just joking."

Adam was pensive again, did not know what he was thinking but the wrinkles on his forehead seemed to be permanently there.

Merlyn took a sip of his alcohol, he thought again that if Adam left, then the omega commander position in Grithda would be vacant. He did not know who would replace Adam later, hoped that it would be filled by someone strong enough but not as hot-tempered like Adam. Merlyn chuckled lightly, his laughter seemed to bring Adam's attention back to him.

"Asshole. Are you that happy I'm leaving?"

At that question Merlyn raised an eyebrow, "Huh? Why should I be happy? It's more like I'm not that worried if you go, Barlow ... after all, Grithda and Barlow are basically neighbors."