The last shift before the night shift was easy and slow going, nothing unusual or out of the ordinary was happening. You leaned back in your chair, exhausted. You swore on your mama that this was your last week working in this filthy place. It all disgusted you, the food, the people and especially the animatronics. There was only one person who made your day better, someone you "worked overtime" for that man was none other than Michael Afton. The son of one of the previous owners of the pizzeria.
If Michael looked just like his dad then you might've had to test them out one after the other, to see their differences, you know. There's no way you'd fuck a child murderer... his son however was a different story.
You seen him around a lot when you were a kid, helping out his dad, bullying his now deceased brother and doting on his sister who was also dead. But it wasn't really until high school that you knew him. You were good friends. If friends fucked each other after smoking joints in his mom's house.
You walked over to the tired looking man, leaning back in his chair sitting on the desk. "Seems like tonight is gonna be a good night since the animatronics are in parts and service until Sunday." You lit
"Well hello to you too Y/N," he looked up to the ceiling, lost in his own train of thought.
"Hello Michael, are you ready for your shift?" You asked inspecting his posture. he always manspeaded with his head up to the ceiling, when he was some level between somewhat stressed and highly stressed, or when he was begging you to down more of his cock.
"I'm about as ready as I'll ever be, and you know that," he sighed.
"How'd you get stuck working in this dumpster fire again? Did Jeremy beg you to come back?" You grabbed a joint from an old cigarette box in your pocket and lit it.
"I have unfinished business here, if it weren't for that I wouldn't even think of setting foot into this place."
"Understandable," you tilted your head back breathing out the smoke creating a cloud above you.
He covered his face with his arm,sighing.
"Want me to relieve some of that stress for the low price of free 99?" The man just blankly store at you.
"On the job?"
"Yea? I honestly don't care if I get fired, I'm quitting at the end of the week anyways." You handed him the rest of the half smoken joint
"Wouldn't be a bad idea, but I'll have to refuse for now." The smoke fell from his mouth lazily.
"That's fine by me. Just don't die tonight Michael," you said grabbing your coat, stopping in the doorway, blowing him a kiss before you left.
He waved you off, staring at you as you walked away from him. Damn that new outfit you got made you look good, hugging all the right places of your plump body. If only you knew how badly he wished he could say yes to your offer.
Tonight was Michael's last night working at this specific establishment, before moving on to the next. He thought of it as a good thing the animatronics were all in parts and service, after all it made his life easier didn't it?
He checked the cameras, all of them were regular, nothing abnormal, no animatronics, no spirits to be worried about. All he had to do now was wait out the night and keep watch, just in case you know.
Michael leant back in his chair once more, thinking about life and everything that has brought him to this point, his father, sister and brother. About how he met the only person to ever really understand him despite not knowing the suicide mission Michael was on. How his daughter would be about 4 right now, but because of William Afton you ended up losing her.
If only his dad didn't kill those kids, Would you get to be a happy family? Would your daughter look like her mother. Michael had always imagined Evan and Elizabeth would've been a perfect aunt and uncle, that his daughter would be in her great grandmother's ballet school.
That was nothing but a facade that help him sleep at night. But even then it was more than enough to make him happy that he was doing this, to make sure William Afton was dead for good and that in some wild future you'd be married happily to a person of your choosing, that you wouldn't have to fear that your child might be the next victim.
Memories of you flashed in his mind, the day you asked him out, the way you weren't afraid of him wearing a dress to prom while you wore suit and top hat. The way your soft lips met his every morning for 3 years as a thank you gift for being alive.
Now Michael at age 25 regretted not holding onto your kind words and thoughts unphased by what the world said about him. They'd fallen in the exact way that you did.
The night you lost her was the night you changed, you were no longer looking at anything the way you used to, she only fueled the flaming hatred of a life without Serenity.
"Daddy?" Michael flinched at the simple word that came from behind him. To his suprise it was a little girl wearing a blue tutu, her little afro the exact same as yours.
"Daddy mommy is looking for you, she says she needs your help in the living room!" The girl hopped up and down pointing her finger towards the inside of the small 2 story house. Haphazardly Michael walked into the front door greeted by the gentle scent of Fresh Cinnamon and Vanilla, you sat at the top of the stairs rocking your feet back and forth.
You wore one of those flowy white dresses you always complained about not being able to afford. Your braids were adorned with a flower crown made of black roses and white Crysanthemums', you looked unreal, this was the first time Michael had seen you smiling in a long time.
Was this a dream? A hullucination set up by someone who worked under William's will? Nevertheless Michael refused to complain. you walked down the stairs, carefully making sure that you didn't step on your dress, "Michael are you ok?" you caressed his face, Micheal observed your expression that was riddled with worry.
"I'm perfectly fine Y/N, It's just Allergies." he lied through his teeth. In truth the last time he had seen you happy was the day you were planning on telling Michael's Mother, Clara the good news, only to find her house covered in blood. Clara had been killed in her own home, her eyes laid out on the coffee table as if they had been scooped out perfectly by whoever had done it. Michael didn't even know you had gone there, all he knows is that by the time the sunset he had heard nothing of you. Only to receive a call from the hospital 20 minutes away of the news you had given birth to a stillborn child, now suffering from postpartum depression and Clara as found dead at the scene.
The only thing you could do for months was cry, you either ate too much or you starved yourself for days and sleep. No matter how much you begged God to bring your baby and Clara back nothing happened. You were Angry, who wouldn't be? You took the anger out on yourself so much to the point where MIchael came home to you on the floor your nose bleeding out, turns out you had a low iorn level and you overdosed on pain meds.i
Michael couldn't do it, he couldn't take care of you and himself at the same time, no it might not have been what you wanted, but he had no other choice than to ask your mother to schedule your admissonion to an out of state Behavioral Facility. Michael hoped you wouldn't resent him, for what he considered to be "abandoning" you. As you cried for him to let you stay he gave you a kiss on the cheek, then forehead. He backed away as your mother began to drive off, your stuck teary eyed expression trapped in his mind.
"Stop lying Michael, you know you can trust me with anything,"
"You're too Damn pretty you know that. Even though I've known you for a long time I still can't get over that beautiful face of yours." Michael looked at you, his eyes registering and framing this moment, in his mind. You leaned into him, your lips threatening his.
"Papa!" a small high pitched voice shouted from the top of the stairs. it was a boy about 2 years old, he looked strikenly like Clara, a wavy haired boy who had a lilly in his hair with bronze skin. "Look at my pretty Lilly that mommy got for us!" the boy's eyes glimmered in admiration. Hopping into his arms.
"Clay, it's not nice to hop on people." You grabbed the little boy from Michael's arms. Running your fingers through his hair.
"Sorry Daddy," Clay pouted for barely a second seeing his sister at the top of the stairs. His eyes glimmered, "Nib Nib!"
"There you are Clay." The young girl walked down the stairs holding two ties in her hand. She handed three larger tie to you. Without sharing a word you both got to work on Clay and Michael. You tied their black ties in almost the exact same way. Michael couldn't help but notice you two had the same concentration face.
"Thank you Mama, thank you Nita." Clay said, looking down at his neatly put on tie.
"Thank you, My Moon and my little star" Michael caressed your cheek with the back of his palm stroking Juanita's lillly that lay on her kinky black hair. His actions almost felt like instinct, like it was completely natural. Was this where Michael was supposed to be? a honeycomb world filled with nothing but sweetness. If this were Heaven he could be satisifed for eternity.
Once the family was loaded in the car you began raving on and on about an encounter with Elizabeth and Evan last weekend, appearently the twins had taken Clay and Juanita to a mall and filled the preschoolers with candy until they returned home and bounced off of the walls until the sun had risen the next morning.
Evan and Elizabeth were alive. Michael never commited his heinous deed, William had never killed those kids, and Elizabeth never got scooped. this was All Michael had ever wanted, a normal happy life. So much if could make him cry, but he didn't want to make you worry over what he thought was nothing.
you pressed the FM button on the car radio and Candy Rain by Soul4Real came on, you hummed to the lyrics focusing your eyes on the road.
"My Love do you ever dweam of candy coated Raindrops?" Clay screech sang,
"You're the same my candy Rain," you sang they best you could despite your thoat being tryer than the sahara.
You Clay and Juanita sang the whole time as Michael just kind of sat and listened, looking back every once and a while to see the kids stimming with their hands in various ways.
*Seven Songs Later*
"We're here. Cmon Nita help Clay take off his seatbelt." It was Clara's house, the same one from reality.
You and Clara, Hugged, kissed, and chatted with each other. the kids annoyed their aunt and uncle who sat in their rooms, until they gave in and played in the backyard. After all was said and done You all sat down and enjoyed Clara's Chicken Kahari, one of her favorite dishes from her home country of Pakistan.
Michael didn't dare ask about William, it was obvioud that he was either dead to his mother or divorced, as there wasn't a picture or mention of him in the house. It was good, William must've been elsewhere weither it be in his own personal hell or left for dead in the back room of a pizzaria, if Henry was telling the telling the truth.
Michael complimented his mother's cooking and his Lover's beauty relentlessly.
everyone danced with one another to the classical 70's music.
The night fell to the ground crashing with a splat as Michael carried Juanita in one arm and you carried Clay, both had tired themselves out. As you both put them in the twin beds in Michael's old room you felt Michael's hand touch your shoulder, lightly gripping the silky fabric. God you loved this man, you loved the idea of this family, knowing that the Finale was coming you couldn't help but feel a sense of self dread you did this to yourself after all.
The two of you walked to the car in complete silence that comforted you through your emotions.
"You know Michael, I think once Clay reaches grade school we might be able to have another one." You leaned on the dashboard looking at your husband, you watched as his light olive skin flushed his a hue of pink. He was cute, not as cute as you looked to him in this moment but a special kind of cute.
The two of you went home alone, Clara decided to keep the kids for tonight, seeing as your anniversary was a week ago and you still couldn't find some time alone with each other.
You softly fell asleep while he drove on the road, dreaming of what you considered to be your worst fear, yet you weren't afraid at all.
The two of you sat on the 3 seated couch together, Michael was silent. Possibly lost in thought, it wasn't out of the usual to just go mute for a while. You weren't worried. You just looked to the TV that played a VHS tape of one of your personal favorite movies, The little Mermaid. You head later on Michael's lap watching his chest puff up and go down with every breath. His obsidian curly hair and purple eyes shined in the little light that reflected from the TV.
You reached your hand up to touch his curls, running them through, his hair bouncing back to its original position. As you brought your hand down Michael purred against it, his right hand holding your wrist in place. You might've been together with each other for a little over a decade but this feeling never got old. It never failed to get your heart going and even a second one to appear in a place it wasn't supposed to be..
Your lips didn't complain as they were politely greeted by a kiss by Michael, that was until his hand pressed your lower stomach. You subtly gasped in mouth. It was unexpected for the both of you. The two of you looked at each other and you giggled for a split second. That was until you felt something rise against the back of your head... and that something was not god.
Michael's ears quickly because a hue of pink as he realized what exactly his dick was pressing against, you loved the subtle innocence of your partner that would come out every once a blue moon. You wanted to keep him this cute. You wanted to slowly wanted to slowly watch the blush go from his ears the heat spreading to the rest of his poor body, possibly matching with the color of his pretty pink tip.
You wanted to whore this man out while you still could and you knew just how good he would be for you. That was something that you desired, no it was a need, you found yourself internally Feinding for it.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I-" he stammered his sentence within his confusion.
"I know sweetheart, it was an accident... but do you mind if I help you resolve your current dilemma, do you?"Michael couldn't tell if the look in your eyes was that of someone who genuinely wanted to help clear his mind or someone that wanted to take this chance to swallow their prey whole.
Michael agreed, completely compliant and willing to whatever you did to him. He had missed you all of you, and even if this wasn't real the thought of him being yours for the last moment he would ever get in your presence was something he was desperate for.
You turned your body, getting on your knees. You faced him his tired eyes looking to yours as you grabbed the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss. You steadily began to straddle his lap and he followed close behind with his hands fondling your hips his end finger carefully tracing the dips of them.
You both were slow lovers, and that was what you loved about each other is that you knew just when yo speed these things up enjoying each other as you did.
After all the Eros was an act of worship of your partner. So why not spend a little more time appreciating each other?
As the kiss began to get more heated you took off the pajama shirt he had just put on. You felt his hands underneath your shirt squeezing your tits as you observed his lanky yet well built torso heave and ho as he breathed.
You moved your head to his shoulders taking in the fresh scent from his body. You placed your lips on his neck sucking on it until you were satisfied enough to go to another spot. You looked at his face as you sucked on his nipples. God his face looked so cute right now, a combination of flustered yet his mouth was left a little bit open.
He slightly whined as you bit down on the tip of his nipples. "Shhh it's ok you big baby I'll take care of you. If you wanna use your voice for something how about you use them to gag on my fingers, how do you like the sound of that pretty boy?"
You move the hand that lay on his shoulders to his mouth slowly, Michael accepted them, using his tongue to coat your two middle fingers in saliva. You sprung up looking into his eyes. You moved your fingers carefully in and out making sure he was taking in what you were putting out. Truth be told if you had a dick cum would be flowing out of you by the way this man used his tongue. He used it perfectly he always hit the spot you needed the way his Lips wrapped around whatever was put in it.
He still persisted on, his thumbs circling and squeezing your hardened nipples.
You began touching yourself with your other hand, timing the moment he would pinch your nipple with the moment your fingers would brush the bud of your clit. You liked the feeling of the pleasure and slight pain colliding with each other, and Michael liked watching it as you lost yourself to your own pleasure.
But Michael was nothing but a man watching his wife get off to her own pleasure that he slightly contributed to, while his own dick was trapped beneath a pair of sweatpants barely an inch away from her pussy that radiated the heat of their lustful deeds. Shouldn't Michael also get to release? After all he could do nothing but sit and feel as your fingers twitched in excitement, momentarily touching the tip of his cock.
Nothing but a man...
Removing his hand from beneath your shirt Michael grabbed the shaft of his dick looking to you still stuck in your own pleasures. He felt the sticky precum on every where he touched, hell it was still coming out as he began messaging the tip that you always liked for being "pink and pretty" poor man couldn't even let out his pleasures vocally because of how tied down he was by the fact you ordered him to suck on them. Now he was doing what you truly wanted. He was making a mess of himself all for you, preparing himself to be fucked all by himself, and he didn't even realise it.
I suppose the saying "Love is blind" is true, and he looked so good indulging in the love you laid out for him blindly.
Michael held back his breathy moans, you had finished with yourself and were now on your knees giving him Filliato did everything perfectly, Michael didn't even need to hold your head down, his dick was all the way in your mouth. you used your tongue, hands and cheeks to make sure this man came as many times as possible.
You slowly bobbed your head up and down semen dripping down the sides of your mouth, you could care less about swallowing when that wouldn't make this man cum more.
Michael spread this legs more for you, his face was completely covered in a pink hue, you had barely been at it for 5 minutes and you had already made him finish multiple times one after another. Your mouth was doing a beautiful job and he was approaching his limit.
He held the back of your head, his dick twitching in the back of your mouth as his voice echoed a soft, sweet moan. God was he close to coming, he lifted his hips making sure that everything from his tip down to his scrotum was shoved in your mouth. You had gotten to his constant habit of rutting his already girthy 8.5 inches in your mouth whenever feel felt he needed a full release. However it was harder to breathe this time, his dick seemed to have 2 times as much girth than usual.
Michael let out a slew of groans as he released every bit of energy he had at the moment into cumming deep inside of your mouth.
Although you couldn't complain, tears poured from your eyes, your esophagus tired, mouth filled to the brim with thick cum you had no choice but to swallow.
"Fuck look at that pretty sight. You like my Cum don't you you swallowed every drop of it, well except for what you couldn't handle." you rubbed his still wet cum from the sides of your lips and cheek slowly pulling his cock out of your mouth with a pop.
"You're talking a lot of shit for a bitch that just got the soul sucked out of them." You hair standing up, taking off your shirt straddling his lap once more.
"you're talking a lot of shit for a bitch that cried because you couldn't take all of my dick in your mouth at once."
"Oh shut the hell up. Now tell me do you want me to sit on your face or not."
"Only if you suck my di-"
"I'm not having that thing in my mouth again, try again another day."
"Whatever you say My Moon."
"Is that a yes or no?"
"Absolutely, I'd love nothing more than to please you my moon." your skin tingled as his fingers slowly crawled up to your chin, he grabbed your cheeks suishing them as his body leaned forward, kissing you. Suddenly his hands took a grip of the back of your thighs.
"Hold on Moonpie." he said, using his lower body to lift the both of you up. you placed your head on his shoulders as he walked you up a flight of stairs to get to The bedroom to his bedroom, you two had seperate rooms for many comfortability reasons, especially after you had a depressive phase after a miscarriage in college. But once in a while you would sleep together, or maybe even breed each other like rabbits. Sex was something scared to both of you, something that made both of you happy, and keeping it scared was of upmost importance.
"Moonpie?" he sat you on the edge of the bed you leaned back spreading your legs, taking a look around the room you hadn't seen in a while, posters and photo's of his beloved moon and stars, plastered across his room remained the same with the addition of a bullitin board.
You lightly smirked, leaning to the side of the bed rummaging for a box.
You got a hold of the large silk box bringing it up to the bed and swinging it open. an assortment of blindfolds, cuffs, vibrator's, cock rings, gagballs, hoards of lube, protection, toy cleaner a paddle and even a pink colored strap-on.
You looked at Michael, who was bent over the mini fridge in on his bedside. he had a cake, strawberries, and whipped cream on standby. You knew that your husband ate a shit ton and never gained a pound but a whole cake in a mini fridge the size of your daughter height wise was unexpected.
You watched your husband cut a piece of the size of your palm, putting the rest away. You laidback, steadily getting more impatient. He was surely taking his time. After maybe 3 minutes or so of waiting you asked what was taking so long. He said he was just preparing a little special something as a kind of reward for being the worlds #1 dick sucker or something.
He told you to just lay down and take a breather.
So you did, you laid down with your legs spread. It only took another minute or so for you to hear Michael moving to the end of the bed. Your eyes opened as you felt his body touch yours.
"Can I do the Honors my love?" He asked, his amethyst eyes looking into yours.
"You may." You trusted this man with your life, but you could see he was up to something, his warm smile curled into a grin. And you slightly shrieked feeling the cold cream on your already sore and sensitive nipples. You looked down to see your husband mapping you out with whipped cream.
He looked up at you as he got a strawberry from nowhere putting it in your open mouth. "Hold that for me won't you pretty girl?" He chuckled going back to your lower torso. He traced your slick pussy, letting his fingers glide around your clit. Squeezing it, letting his thumb press on its tip.
Your hips slightly shuttered at the movement's as Michael licked the white cream off of your tit until his lips reached your (s/c) skin. He did the same to your right boob. Michael found himself kissing your stomach, pecking whenever he could.
He continued to softly play with you. His curled fingers sliding in and out of you with ease. You hummed as you took in the steady pleasure. As he kissed your thighs his fingers discreetly left your dripping pussy. You were to distracted by his mouth playing with your clit to notice.
That was until you heard a small buzzing noise. Whimpering as your nerves shook in a newfound pleasure coming from a toy you dreaded, even though it has been made just for you. It was a small flower shaped toy. You quickly lost the train of thought, your mind was focused on nothing more than cumming.
You couldn't control the sounds coming out of your mouth. Moans, begging for Michael to slow it's pace that we're covered by you pleas for more. You were going dumb with pleasure. In a span of 45 seconds you had finished 12 times. Michael was eating it up. Literally. His tongue was inside of you ravaging you from the inside out. He held your thigh apart, the other slung over his shoulder. Lord knows how bad you wanted to clamp your legs together, as if that was going to save you.
You breathed heavily, tears beginning to sprout from your love. You were far past the point of overstimulation. You were almost embarrassed by how wet you were, you were dripping all over the silky sheets of your bed, but something else was building up. Whatever it was you wanted, no you needed to release it.
Maybe if you just relaxed, the feeling would go away. You relaxed the best you could, but that was ruined as your climax came, relentless as always. You felt the sweet sweet release you had been begging for. Through your thighs and cunt dripped. You sighed in relief as the magic of the harsh vibrations that cursed you lifted. You whined dryly your throat sticking to itself.
Michael lifted his head from beneath your curves. "You did so good My love, you'd need a water break about now." He hummed tracing his way back up your body, kissing your lips softly, his hips straddling yours for a moment.
His touch left your sore hips that jittered tiredly. He grabbed you an ice cold water bottle, helping you sit up. He sat on the edge of the bed, watching you as you slowly drank the water that felt like a blessing, washing away the dried cum that was left over from your throat.
As he laid his head on your shoulder You noticed his hair was wet. The embarrassment hit as you realized you squirted all over his face and hair. You couldn't even spare the energy to apologize, but it didn't seem like he minded.
That break ended fairly quickly.
You braced yourself, Michael humming softly as his cock entered your pussy.
What was your response when he asked for Round 3?
He stroked in and out of you softly; tying your hair. He tightened it once more, his strokes becoming more aggressive, his pace quickening as you covered your mouth. Your body quaked under his with every thrust. He grabbed your shoulders leaning his head back, Cursing under his breath.
"Shit you're taking me so good, You never cease to amaze me with everything you do, from being pretty without trying to making my brain rot with the way you clench my cock."
He groaned, as you clenched harder around him.
"Shit you're good at it all," he grabbed your chest with one hand, his other tilting your face towards his. Kissing your face repeatedly as you moaned into his ears, his hand pressing on your stomach making you cum, coating his dick with your sweet gloss. Michael still somehow wasn't satisfied. He Slipped out of you, flipping you over and reinserting himself in you, the first 5 out of 9 inches of his cock ramming your poor little cunt. Your legs quickly became sprawled over his shoulders.
You begged in between your lust and the claps of your skin for him to make you cum, to toy with your clit harder. He had you higher on lust than you could be on any drug. You didn't care that he had came in you several times or that the air was filled with sex and you with cum. You just wanted to feel the high race through your body clouding your mind until you were nothing but a brainless whore without a thought behind your eyes. Even as he came again changing positions while still in you and you rode his cock, he kissed you, humming nothing but sweet praise.
Your hands intwined as you cried for mercy your lover whispering sweet praises in your ear despite you gripping and clawing at his back. You bounced and rocked your hips as much as you could, you wanted to please him one last time for the night. You were doing a good job, like a good girl was supposed to. You let all of his 9 inches breeze your walls as you bounced one more time, cumming for the last time. You scrambled, sucking his cock until he came in your mouth, letting his load drip down the sides of your mouth.
You sprawled yourself out on the bed, sore, tired and even more sore. Warm seamen still pouring out of your cunt.
Michael gathered you together, thanking you for giving your best performance to him. He bathed, dressed, fed and made sure you were properly hydrated. As the two of you cuddled against each other, enjoying the fresh cold air of night combined with the warmth of each other's bodies, You told Michael one more thing before Falling asleep.
"Thank you for always being here with me Michael, thank you for being my companion all these years."
Michael became lifted from his dream, the clock stroke 6am marking the end of his shift. "Michael you ought to go confess to that girl while you still can, lord knows what will happen tomorrow." So he did, as soon as he clocked out he calmly gathered his thoughts whilst driving to your apartment.
Your apartment door was wide open, all be it still dark, Michael turned on a few lights wandering into the living room turning on the light. His eyes twisted in fear as he eyed your dead body that hung from the ceiling, your nails and neck were bloody. Your lifeless body was accompanied with a note addressed to none other than Michael Afton himself,
It read,
"Dear Michael,
This will probably be the last thing I give to you, I'm sorry If you found me like this, as that was not my intention. I couldn't do it anymore, I lost everyone I loved, and even you. I feel inescapable guilt for everything, for losing our daughter, and our son. I gave you those forged memories as a gift, I have hope that we can be a family someday, even if we have to be apart for a hundred years, I'll wait for you My Sunshine.
If anything remember my love as the last thing I gave to you.
From Your Moon,
Author note: this is unedited for the most part and I'm sorry if the spacing is wonky it won't be fixed because I'm Lazy