Christopher's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning feeling so weak and tired. It was as though I have been involved in some strenuous activities lately. I stretched my body while lying on the bed and as I turned my hand to the left, it hit someone.
I opened my eyes and turned to see who it was and I beheld Louise lying next to me in bed. This really surprised me because I did not remember coming to bed with her and I also did not notice when she came in.
I sat up and looked at her face and the sight really cracked me up. She looked like something that was animated. I tried to hold my laughter but I couldn't so I bursted out. The noise I made woke her up and when she did, I tried to hide the laughter but she caught me.
"What's cracking you up this morning?" She asked as she opened her eyes.
I pretended not to hear what she had just said so I moved quickly to the bathroom leaving her in bed.
I spent quite a long time in the bathroom thinking she would just leave but she didn't.