I sat on the ground in the garden lost in thought no matter how hard I tried to get my mind off the troubles that clouded my mind. I didn't notice when the sun went down and it was already getting dark.
I raised my head up because I had bent it over my knees. I saw that somebody was standing over me because I saw the reflection of the person's shadow.
So I turned back to check who it was and it was Ivy.
When she saw that I had seen her she sat down beside me on the ground and pulled me into her arms.
I tried as much as I could to relax even though I was beginning to doubt the love she claimed to have for me.
I looked up at her face for a second and wanted to ask her for the last time everything that had happened but she had been acting as though I had been disturbing her.
Well, since we are going to have a meeting in no time I decided to let it slide and rest my head on her shoulder.