Chapter 86

The kidnap and investigations


A few days later, I picked up my phone to call Chris to know what his plans for the wedding are.

He picked up on the first ring as though he had been waiting to hear from me.

We exchanged pleasantries for a while then moved over to the main purpose of the call.

He told me that his marriage with Louise is fast approaching and he really needs to get done with it.

Thus, I decided to move back to the blood moon pack so I can sign the divorce papers and also attend their wedding.

"Cherry will be discharged today." Daniel announced as he walked into the kitchen where I was standing and gave me a hug.

"That's great news, you should go get them as soon as you can." I said and he nodded.

"Would you come along?" He asked and I dropped the cup in my hand.

"I am making plans to travel," I said and he left what he was doing to face me.

"Where exactly?" He asked.

"To the blood moon pack." I answered.