Chapter 4 : Mr. Astor


“Are you okay, miss?” the attractive man said after I’d run directly into him.

“Yes. I’m just heading back to my room, uh, sir.”

“Oh, right,” he said, clearly lost in thought. He paused for a few seconds and then continued.

“Before you do that, would you head up to my stateroom and unpack my luggage? I am afraid it has been delivered rather later than usual. I had some business I had to attend to before leaving port, and I did not get here as early as I would have liked.”

“Oh…I am… Uh…” I stumbled over my words. I was mortified that he clearly thought I was a member of the staff rather than a guest on the yacht. However, I supposed I looked nothing like the typical guests.

“Yes,” I finally said, deciding it was easier than trying to explain the mix-up. He thanked me and continued standing there staring at me, probably making sure I was actually going to go unpack for him.

I quickly turned and headed back down the long hallway. I must have been headed in the right direction because the man did not tell me otherwise. Unfortunately, this was leading me in the opposite direction of my room.

I took a few turns, trying not to accidentally run into the man again and have to explain that I didn’t work for him. I should have just told him from the start, but he startled me, and I got a bit distracted staring at his face.

He had a very nice face, and a very nice body, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. It wasn’t too long before I was completely turned around; the ship was so outlandishly large.

Exhausted and embarrassed, I found a small alcove off of the main hallway, leaned my back against the wall, and slid to the floor. I just needed a minute to myself to get control of my emotions, but a door opened next to me and cut that time short.

I jumped to my feet and smoothed my hands over my simple dress.

“Hello, I don’t think we’ve met,” the man said. He was very clean cut, with smooth black hair and freckles dusting his cheeks. I guessed that he wasn’t much older than I was.

“I’m Shelby Hatton,” I said. “I’m a friend of Lauren’s,” I threw in quickly, not wanting to get mistaken for part of the staff again.

“Oh, wonderful. I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” he said with a genuine smile. I felt at ease in his presence, happy to have finally found someone who wasn’t already judging me.

“I am, but I may need some help. I ran into someone down the hall, who mistook me for one of the maids and asked me to unpack for him. I don’t want anyone to get into trouble if it doesn’t get done,” I said, slightly embarrassed. “Can you help me?”

“Oh, I’m so sorry that happened to you. Do you know who it was?”

“Uh, it was a man wearing a very nice suit… but that probably doesn’t narrow it down much.”

“Not exactly,” he said with a sympathetic grin.

“He was tall with dark brown hair that perfectly complimented his sea green eyes. He had a concrete jaw that was peppered with stubble. His voice was deep, and he smelled like sandalwood,” I said, picturing the man in my head.

After a few moments, I realized I’d said way too much. If I could have jumped off the railing and into the ocean, I would have.

“That is Mr. Astor,” he said quickly, saving me from further embarrassment. “I am his intern, so I can make sure someone goes and takes care of his luggage.”

Did he say… Mr. Astor? As in, Lauren’s dad?

“Thank you so much,” I said. “You will have to forgive me. It's been a long night, and I’ve been so rude and haven’t asked your name.”

“You can call me Reggie.”

“Well, thank you so much, Reggie. Can I ask you for one more favor?”

“Of course,” Reggie said with his signature smile.

“I got a little turned around after leaving the dinner party upstairs, and I’m not sure how to get back to my room.”

“It would be my pleasure to escort you back to your stateroom, Miss Hatton,” he said and offered me his arm.

“Thank you so much, but please just call me Shelby,” I said as I took his arm, absolutely delighted by the gesture.

Reggie was leading the way back to my room when he said, “Please don’t hold it against Mr. Astor for mistaking you for part of the staff. He has been under a lot of stress lately and passed the hiring off to me. Since you weren’t at the dinner party, it’s likely he just figured that you were a new hire. He really is a kind person and would have never intentionally offended you.”

“He didn’t offend me. I know I don’t fit with Lauren’s other friends, so it was an easy mistake to make. I could have straightened everything out, but I was a little distracted by some personal issues.”

“Do you need to vent?” Reggie asked innocently.

“It’s just that I went through a really difficult breakup, and I hoped this trip would help me get my mind off of him. It hasn’t worked out that way,” I said, trying to remain as vague as possible.

“I’m very sorry. Was it a long relationship?”

“Three years.”

“Ouch. Well, just give it a bit more time. With what Miss Lauren has scheduled, I’m sure you will have plenty of distractions to keep your mind off of things.”

I laughed. “I’m sure you’re right. There is never a dull moment with Lauren around.”

Just as our conversation wrapped up, we reached my door. I was so relieved to be back in my room that I could have hugged Reggie. I felt like I could talk to him about anything, and it helped me to feel as though there was at least one person on this ship who had not immediately judged me.

“Thank you so much for all of your help, Reggie. I don’t know what I would have done had I not run into you.”

“I’m here to help anytime. That goes for all of the staff on the yacht. If you need anything at all, just ask.”

I nodded as Reggie walked away, and I slipped into my room. I headed straight to the bathroom for the giant tub I‘d discovered earlier. I had never been so in need of washing away the events of a day before.

I soaked for almost an hour when the water started getting cold, and I reluctantly pulled myself out and wrapped myself in a fluffy bath towel.

I changed into my pajamas, a pair of gray shorts, and a Harvard T-shirt. My grandfather sent me the T-shirt as soon as I told him I’d been accepted; he was so proud.

I pulled out my phone to send him a quick text telling him that I was okay. I should have sent it as soon as I arrived, but I had forgotten in the chaos of seeing Todd with his arm around Lauren’s waist.

I typed out a quick message reading, “Hi Gramps. I made it safe. I will keep you updated. Love you.” When I went to hit send, I realized I had no service. So not only would I not be able to contact my grandpa, but I couldn’t update Lin and Aubrey about this horrible situation I was in. I sighed in defeat and tossed my phone onto the bed.

Instead of talking with my friends, I used the intercom system in my room to call down for a cup of chamomile tea. I was shocked at how quickly there was a knock at my door. I took the tray and made my way out onto my private balcony.

The balcony was large enough to fit a lounge chair and a small breakfast table. I quickly made plans to put that to use in the morning. It would be amazing to sip my coffee and listen to the sound of the ocean.

I took a seat on the lounge chair and placed my tray in front of me. A tiny teapot and matching cup was accompanied by a small plate of macron cookies. I poured myself a cup of tea and bit into one of the pink, dainty cookies.

I couldn’t help thinking that this vacation would be perfect if I could spend the whole time in this room.

Unfortunately, I would have to come out eventually and face Todd. I could have told Lauren the truth about Todd being my ex, but now that we were sailing, I had no escape.

It would have made the rest of the vacation unbearably awkward if I’d told Lauren. I had to keep this secret, at least until we were all back on land.

A flash of shame hit me when I remembered the other secret I would have to keep from Lauren.

The fact that I was undeniably attracted to her dad.