Chapter 42 : A Night of My Dreams


I may have second-guessed myself at first regarding this decision, but that was all down the drain when I got into the jet. The inside was decorated with black leathers, and there was a room with a hot tub in it.

Yes, a hot tub on a jet! Only two passengers could fit, but that was just right for Michael and I. There was a drink cabinet with listings of the most expensive alcohol I’d ever seen. I gawked at the extravagance, taking everything in.

My heart pounded in my chest as I locked eyes with Michael. “This is beautiful,” I breathed, giving a wonderfully bright smile. I threw my arms around him, much to his surprise I’m sure, and hugged him tightly.

I held him there for a moment, burying my face into his chest before pulling away, my cheeks flushing. “Thank you, Michael. I’m so excited,” I said, energy rushing through my veins.