Chapter 73 : A Meeting with the FBI


I didn’t leave Colorado until the day Shelby was released from the hospital. Even though she didn't want me there, I couldn't bear to leave in case she changed her mind, so I stayed.

Bruce refused to leave my side, even with the state of the penthouse back in New York City. Each day he would check in at the hospital to monitor Shelby's recovery. Most days, she wouldn't even let him in the room, but he always gave me peace of mind that she was on the road to recovery.

The day she was discharged, I sent Bruce to pick her up and drive her to the airport, but Shelby refused to take my private jet back to Cambridge. At that point, I knew I needed to let her go.

As much as I wanted to reach out to her just to make sure she was okay, I refrained. Part of me wanted to send someone from my security team to campus to keep an eye on her. Just to make sure that Blaine was keeping his distance.