Chapter 100 : Murder


“Oh my god, I didn’t think that lecture was ever going to end,” Lin said as we walked out of the lecture hall.

I laughed at her dramatics before responding, “It was important stuff, Lin, but yeah, it did get a bit dry. The last twenty minutes were excruciating. I’m so hungry I think my stomach was louder than the professor's.”

“So that’s what that was,” Lin laughed and bumped my shoulder with hers.

“Want to grab something on our way back? I don’t really feel like cooking dinner tonight. I just want to crash on the couch,” I said.

“Oh yes, please. There’s this Thai place that I’ve had mad cravings for,” Lin said, suddenly switching directions.

“I’m down,” I said, pivoting to catch up with her.

We laughed and talked about the recent lectures we'd had to sit through and how nice it was since Lauren left campus. After waiting in a long line for our food, we walked home swinging our plastic bags full of take-out containers.