Chapter 107 : Spring Break Vacation


**Six weeks later**

The last day of classes never felt better. I was completely exhausted from the semester and the new added stress of my internship. However, I loved being able to spend weekends with Michael. Most weeknights I had to stay up late, getting in as much homework and studying in as I possibly could so I could fully enjoy the weekend nights with Michael.

We’d made a big effort to enjoy each other's company as much as possible since Michael’s name was cleared of the murder charges. It made us realize just how important the time we spent together really was because we could never be sure how long we had left together.

I walked home from class excited that I’d be seeing him the next day. We had plans to go on a spring break vacation, although he wouldn’t tell me where. I planned on going home and spending a few hours relaxing in front of the television before packing and going to bed.

“Lin?” I called into the house, but she didn’t answer.