Chapter 133 : Let’s Get the Party Started


I woke up late the next morning, having fallen asleep in Michael’s arms after we showered together. I still felt some sand between the strands of my hair, but last night was so magical that I didn’t mind it.

That was until I heard Michael speaking on the phone in the bathroom.

“It’s a party, Calvin. Bring whomever you want.”

I snuck up to him and snatched him at the waist, startling him.

“I have to go. See you tonight,” he said to the phone, setting it on the counter by the sink, and hugging me.

“What party are you talking about?” I asked, ruffling his hair to see if it was in the same situation as mine. No sand there, though.

“I thought it would be a good idea to have some of my colleagues and friends over. I want everyone to know about our official engagement. The people I like, anyway.” Michael kissed me on the forehead. “If it’s alright with you, of course.”