Chapter 152 : Marmie Shows Up


"God dammit, Marmie," I said, staring down at my phone where my ex's name was glowing on the screen.

"Are you really going to answer that right now?" Shelby asked me, obviously frustrated.

I had no idea how much having a baby weighed on Shelby, and I knew taking a phone call right now would land me a one-way ticket to the dog house. So I silenced the call and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"I’m so sorry, Shelby. You’re right, I have no idea how hard this has been on you. We can keep trying for a baby until you tell me otherwise. Let's go pour a glass of wine and pretend that nothing happened," I said, setting my hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes.

"That sounds nice," Shelby said, nodding.

We walked back into the kitchen and started a new conversation about our plans for the weekend. Just as I felt the tension leave the space between us, the doorbell rang. Shelby and I both froze.