Chapter 183 : Waiting on a Call


I paced restlessly in the confines of my home, the walls closing in around me like a suffocating embrace. I should have been at the office, buried in the mundane tasks that consumed my days, but I couldn't tear myself away.

Not when my entire world teetered on the precipice of a revelation.

The weight of anticipation bore down upon my shoulders, each passing second an eternity of uncertainty. I awaited the call, that would either shatter my fragile hopes or grant me a reprieve from the mounting suspicion that consumed me.

My gaze flickered toward the phone, its silent presence mocking me. What was taking him so long? The one person who held the key to unlocking the truth, to unraveling the tangled web that enshrouded my life.

I had paid handsomely, entrusting him with my deepest fears and darkest secrets, and now his silence gnawed at my frayed nerves.