Chapter 201 : Another Murder?


"Mr. Astor?" Agent Ramirez asked. He had dark hair and a mustache that twitched as he spoke. His partner was more serious looking and didn't attempt to add any more information.

All of the room felt as though it had begun to spin. I sat with my hands on the desk for a long moment.

I noticed the expectant look on the officer's faces, and I knew I had zoned out of the conversation completely. How could this be real?

"I'm sorry, but what did you just say?" I asked in a state of disbelief. "Marmie's dead?" I still wasn’t processing it completely–and I wasn’t sure why they were talking to me about where I’d been the night before.

"Yes, Mr. Astor. Ms. Carmichael Radcliff's penthouse caught fire in the middle of the night last night. Our officers have been there all morning working the crime scene."