Chapter 207 : In Good Hands


The following day, I awoke to the feeling of dread. I had to get ready to head into the office to supervise a meeting over an important deal the company was in the process of closing. The dread stemmed mostly from leaving Shelby alone all day. I'd grown accustomed to staying home with her and enjoying her company as opposed to working seventy-five to eighty hours a week.

I rolled out of bed and prepared for the day ahead. After sending a quick text message to Reggie to let him know I'd be sitting in, I ate a quick breakfast, then kissed a still-sleeping Shelby softly on the lips before heading into the office.

I headed straight for the conference room when I arrived at the office. Reggie was already waiting for me with an agenda in hand.

"How's Shelby?" Reggie asked me while we waited for everyone else to file into the room.