Chapter 218 - Mending Bridges


As the morning sun cast its warm glow through the windows, I busied myself in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the family. The aroma of roasted chicken filled the air, mixing with the sweet scent of fresh vegetables.

Today was a special day—a day filled with anticipation and hope. Lauren was coming over for lunch. Despite the history and my initial reservations, I found my heart overflowing with excitement to see her once again.

I couldn't help but reflect on how far she had come. The wounds of our past were slowly healing, and I was grateful for the opportunity to witness her growth firsthand. It had been a long journey for all of us, filled with pain, misunderstandings, and broken relationships. But today, we had a chance to forge a new connection.

Today, we had a chance to be a family, a real family. All of us. Together.

The doorbell rang, and I hurriedly wiped my hands on my apron before rushing to join Michael as he answered it.