Chapter 223: Reconnecting


Nerves fluttered through my stomach as we bathed Thomas and Amelia. It had been too long since Michael and I had been intimate, and I knew I was ready. But I couldn't help but feel insecure about my body after pregnancy and a C-section.

"They have to be so tired from traveling, but you can't tell. They've been angels all day," I observed as Thomas giggled contagiously.

"Let's get them out and dry them off. Maybe after we do some lavender lotion, they'll go down without a fight. Then you and I can shower and sit on the patio with a glass of wine," Michael suggested while rinsing soap suds from Amelia's head.

"Sounds like a plan," I said as I walked across the bathroom and grabbed the hooded towels from the sink.

I held one out, and Michael lifted Amelia from the water. I swaddled her in the plush fabric and carried her to the nursery. Sitting her in the crib, I walked back to the bathroom and helped Michael get Thomas.