Chapter 226 - A Little Alone Time


As the first morning rays began to peek through the window, I scrambled out of bed and quickly got ready for the day. Surprisingly, I wasn’t hungover at all. I was giddy with anticipation, eager to get some alone time with my husband. With Lin and Aubrey on babysitting duty, Michael and I eagerly set off for a private snorkeling tour.

After a quick breakfast and a whole bunch of goodbye kisses, we headed down to the docks and found the small vessel that would take us out on the water.

When we stepped outside, the sun was high in the sky, glistening off the deep blue waters that lay before us. As we boarded the boat, our excitement evident, the guide greeted us with a warm smile.

"Welcome aboard! Today, we'll take you to some of the most breathtaking snorkeling spots in Maui. Get ready to be amazed!"

"I’m so excited! Thank you for this, Michael."

"Anything for you, Shelby. You know that. You needed this. We needed this."

"Well, thank you for making it happen."