Chapter 233: Releasing Tension


I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and bacon. I smiled and rolled out of bed, checking my phone for any updates from Delaney. There wasn't anything new just yet, so I headed downstairs.

The twins were already in their highchairs happily playing away while Shelby bustled around the stove, flipping pancakes and stacking them onto two waiting plates on the countertop. She smiled when she noticed me and quickly came over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning! I hope you're hungry, 'cause I made plenty!" she said cheerfully, her blue eyes twinkling with warmth.

I laughed and leaned against the table, admiring Shelby from head to toe. She was covered in flour, her hair cascading in wild disarray, but she still managed to look more beautiful than ever before. I smiled and shook my head in awe, feeling my heart swell with love for her.

"I'm definitely hungry," I said with a grin. "And you look… amazing."