Chapter 242 : Bringing Him In


I sat on the living room floor singing to Thomas and Amelia. It was getting close to nap time, but both babies seemed to be in a good mood, so I wasn’t going to rush them to bed before Michael and Bruce got up here.

I grabbed Amelia’s chunky thighs and tickled her softly. I was rewarded with the tinkling giggling of my best girl. Thomas screeched loudly, never one to be left out of the fun. I reached over and gave him a tickle of his own, and he rolled to his side and kicked his legs gleefully. Motherhood was the greatest gift of my life, and I was still seething because of the danger my sweet babies were in.

I was still playing with the babies and stewing when I heard the front door open. Michael walked in first, and Bruce followed after him. I stood and rushed over to him with an excited hug and exclaimed, “Oh Bruce, it’s been too long. How are you?”