Chapter 249 : Picturesque Plans


When we arrived back at the house, Mrs. Dubois was sitting on the couch knitting. Her face was narrowed in concentration, and her hands worked furiously.

"How were the babies, Mrs. Dubois?" Shelby asked as she took off her coat.

"They were angels, Madame. They both just took a bottle, and they should be down for the night," Mrs. Dubois replied with a warm smile.

"Thank you so much for coming," I said as she stood and grabbed her coat. Then, I walked her to the door, and we said our goodbyes.

Shelby and I made our way to the kitchen where I opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses. We sat at the small table near the window overlooking the Parisian streets below. The night was still young, and the stars were bright as ever, casting a dreamy glow over the city.