Chapter 258 : Eavesdropping


I watched Lauren slip away from the party, her figure disappearing down the beach, and a pang of concern tugged at my heart. Despite the festivities surrounding us, her solitary figure stood out against the backdrop of laughter and celebration, her loneliness echoing in the stillness of the evening.

“Where is Lauren going?” I asked Michael, who was popping a shrimp into his mouth.

“I’m sure she is just worn out from the day,” Micheal said, turning back to the party.

I bit my lip as I watched her walk away. Something did not feel right to me and I couldn’t let it go. She hadn’t seemed tired before and she wouldn’t have gone to bed without telling them that.

Without a second thought, I made a split-second decision and began to follow, my heart pounding in my chest with each passing moment. There was tension between us, a rift that had grown wider with each passing day, and I knew that if we were ever to mend our fractured relationship, now was the time.