Chapter 282 : Like Old Times


I sighed contentedly as I rested against the mountain of pillows in the luxurious master bedroom of our beachside bungalow. The gauzy white curtains billowed in the ocean breeze, bringing the scent of salt and hints of tropical flowers. I had sprained my ankle during my traumatic trip to one of the surrounding islands and was under strict orders from Michael to stay in bed while it healed.

Usually, I’d chafe at forced inactivity, but with the melodic roar of waves just outside, I didn’t mind the confinement. I picked up my book, a cheesy romance novel I’d been embarrassed to buy until the clerk assured me it was one of their bestsellers.

“No judgment on vacation!” the woman had exclaimed with a happy smile.

I didn’t feel the need to tell her that I wasn’t on vacation, just a cheesy romance enthusiast with a lot of time on her hands.