Chapter 287 : Bonfires and Moonlight


I smoothed down my sundress nervously as I walked along the beach toward the bonfire. My heart was pounding at the thought of seeing Lucas again. At 27 years old, I should have been over getting flustered around an attractive guy, but there was something about the rugged lifeguard that made me feel like a giddy teenager. I was glad that Dad and Shelby hadn’t been gone all night and I had the chance to go out.

The gentle ocean breeze carried the scent of smoky driftwood and I could taste the salty tang of the air. The setting sun painted the sky in brilliant shades of orange and pink, the colors reflecting off the rolling waves. I wiggled my toes in the warm sand, trying to ground myself. Getting worked up over a guy felt so high school, but I couldn't deny the electric thrill that ran through me whenever Lucas was near.