Chapter 298 : Finally, Calmness


The ear-splitting sound of the helicopter's blades sliced through the air, a relentless chopping that seemed to sync with the pounding in my head. I winced with each step as Michael's hands steadied me, his grip strong yet gentle. The pain was a sharp reminder of the ordeal I'd just survived, but it paled compared to the flood of relief washing over me. We were leaving the nightmare behind.

"Easy does it," Michael murmured, guiding me into the belly of the giant that would carry us to safety. I could feel the vibrations of the machine through every part of me, a mechanical heartbeat promising escape.

Once inside, I let my eyes fall shut, shutting out the whirlwind of our rescue and the dizzying twirl of the rotor above. I felt the seat beneath me, firm and secure, grounding me after feeling so lost before I was rescued. Michael settled next to me, his presence an anchor in the storm of my senses.