Chapter 313 : Dreams Become Reality


I stepped over the threshold of the spa and paused, a surge of satisfaction coursing through me. The dated decor and drab colors were gone. In their place was a beautiful sanctuary of peace and style.

Even the air seemed to hum with newfound vitality, infused with the subtle scent of lavender and eucalyptus. I admired the polished marble floors, the soothing palette of creams and greens, and the delicate lighting that cast a warm glow over it all.

"Looks amazing," I murmured to myself, my voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the peaceful ambiance we'd worked so hard to create.

The renovation team had done more than just refurbish—they had transformed the place. And I... I had led them. From the grand chandelier that now hung from the ceiling to the artfully arranged succulents on the reception desk, every detail included elements of my vision.

Mine. It felt amazing to have created something good.