Chapter 328 : Aftermath


The sunlight coming through the windows woke me from the subconscious world of dreams the next morning. I was in Lucas’s arms on the couch, still naked from our lovemaking last night during the storm.

My God, the storm! I thought immediately, the cobwebs of sleep quickly fading from my brain as the panic of the situation returned me to the cruel reality of the real world. The wonder and pleasure of our lovemaking, which had been in my mind even through my sleep during the night and made me have erotic dreams, was now replaced by sheer terror at the thought of what the storm had brought outside, and whether my family might have been caught in the crossfire.

I quickly woke Lucas. “Lucas, get up.”

He slowly emerged from his slumber. “Huh?”

“Wake up. We have to see if my family is okay after the storm. Let’s hurry up, get dressed, and go outside to see how it looks. I want us to go to my dad’s bungalow to see if it was hit by the storm.”