Chapter 52 : Who Will Do the Deed?


I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t stomach this monster. He was sickening and cruel, and the last thing he ever deserved was kindness or forgiveness.

Waiting twelve years—and willing to wait longer—for the perfect, precise revenge was just… unbearable to think about. My mind couldn’t wrap itself around why Connor’s mind would think any of that was okay or justifiable.

All the while he was laughing, basking in his own enjoyment, getting a kick out of our shock and disgust. I clutched Raisa’s knife; Kael held Connor over the well wall; Cari stood trembling with anger.

“Just do it!” she barked furiously at Kael. “Throw him down that damn well! If you don’t, I will!”

Kael was hesitating. I didn’t know why. He hated Connor more than anything, and abhorrently, Connor was right: we would never get this chance again. We had thought it was impossible, and now it was happening, so why weren’t we utilizing this chance?

No, I did know why.