Chapter 27

'The one you should be afraid of...Melecient"

'Why on earth would she be there?" Helios asked as he looks at the angry sky and the clouds were flashing with lightnings.

'You knew her?" instead she answered him with a question.

'Maybe?" Helios looks at Seven while arching his right eyebrow and crossing his arms.

'We don't question deities Helios and we don't interfere with their plans may it be good or horrid and I am not interested besides what will I get with that?"

"Horrid? Then why the hell they are deities? They are supposed to be the pleasant one."

'Look at me, I am the angel of d.e.a.t.h," she smirks as she spelled the last word.

'I exempt you," he says, and Seven can't help not to laugh.