Chapter 71


I took a few steps closer to her, and I can't help but be mesmerized by her eyes. Even if she appears to be a normal girl to some, she is not to me, and she appears to be very familiar to me since the day I first saw her.

Even I was taken aback by my actions. I leaned on her and couldn't help but smell her. It smells like vanilla ice cream, which I want to eat. I tilted in close to her and whispered.

"So, have you already thought about it? And maybe that is why you have some questions for me to answer it for you?" I whispered in her ear which make she startled and stand from her sit.

"There is nothing wrong in asking. And besides I want to know what will happen to me. What will be my death? What will I will be in the next life," she stated, and I couldn't help but laugh, and it was not my intention to make her feel small.