Chapter 74


I somehow wanted to repay my friends that I have treated as my family. I want to repay their kindness and I don't want to become their burden all the time. So maybe I should consider this thing as an opportunity.

"You got no choice," he said and I can't help but to look at him and weakly nodded my head.

He was right I have no choice if I wanted to have a better life. Besides if I rejected this there will be no more second chances. It is a matter of life and death and there goes my deadline.

I sighed and somehow he looked surprise and I don't even know why.

"Tomorrow... please comeback tomorrow," I said and he may seem to learn what I am meaning into.

"Tomorrow is your birthday."

I was surprised upon what he had stated. How did he know about it? How did he know about my birthday? Crap, I may just forgot that he is a devil and he knows everything of me but not everything. He just know who I am from the outside but not the whole of me. But can he see my past though?