Chapter 107


It's been two days and still I haven't heard from him. I am getting anxious because I already resigned from my work and also because I am a fool with nothing to hold on to. I hope he'll be back and I am just thinking that he is running the papers for me to sign.

I looked at the busy street. People who come here and there and some are running errands maybe late for their works. While some was just walking and seems to be a happy go lucky. That is what I want to be. Nothing to worry at all and have that smile in my face. I sighed a fog came out from my mouth it is a bit chilly for a morning and it is nice to have a big cup of coffee.

I decided to make a coffee since I have nothing to do and to stop myself from thinking about him.

"Just wait," I said to myself as I get a cup and pour a hot water into it. I got a half spoon of coffee and sugar. I like it strong, it is great in cold days.