Interlude III

Did you get the handout for the camping trip?

Yeah, it came today.

What are you gonna do? Are you going?

Are you kidding? No way.

But Ms. Mikami told us it's a very important ritual…

Come on, it's not like it's a crash course for test prep or something, you know?

On the handout it says "Goal: To strengthen the bonds of the class."

What does that even mean? Why are they pulling something like this over summer break in an "on year"? Some people already left 'cause staying in Yomiyama is too dangerous. If we got into some kind of accident because we went on this camping trip…


The safest thing to do is to not go anywhere. Just shut yourself up in your house.

Maybe so…

The outside world is full of danger, you know?

Still, why did this have to happen to us? It makes no sense at all. And what a waste of a summer break.


If that transfer student hadn't started talking to Misaki, you know the talisman would have worked, too.

…Maybe, yeah.

I think the tactical officers are at fault here, too. If they'd handled things right from the start…They could've explained to the transfer kid what was going on before he came to school or something.

Yeah. But it doesn't do much good complaining about it now.

I guess. We didn't believe people were actually going to die like they did, either, I suppose…

Seriously. I never thought things would turn out like this…

*  *  *

The instruction sheet came for that camping trip.


What are you gonna do?

Oh, I'm…uh…

You're not going?


Hey there, Mr. Class Representative, you're a tactical officer, too, aren't you? Aren't you kind of obligated to go?

Uh…But I…

You scared? You think something's gonna happen on this trip?

No, it's not that. I…

I heard this is actually effective.

Wha—? What do you mean?

I heard this camping trip really means something. Ms. Mikami even said it's a very important ritual. And actually, I talked to Sakaki about it after class, and he told me…

*  *  *

The eighth to the tenth. Those are the same dates as the camping trip fifteen years ago, right?

Yes, that's right.

Are we going to visit the Yomiyama Shrine, too?

That's the plan, at least.

On the second day? The ninth?

That seems to be when they went fifteen years ago.

But fifteen years ago, there was an accident that day and…

I know. Mr. Chibiki showed me his binder. But, you know, since we're giving this a try, I think we need to do everything we can to match the conditions from before.

So then why didn't you explain that to everyone after the end-of-semester assembly?

Well, because…I didn't feel confident enough.

I wasn't sure if this really was an "important ritual." Or if this would be capable of stopping the "disasters" for this year. Or how much hope I should let myself have. I struggled with it…So that's all I could manage at the time.

So you're not struggling with it anymore?

…I don't know.

I don't know, but if there's even a slight chance this might work, that's better than to keep doing nothing…That's how I feel about it.

*  *  *

Maybe I'd better go on that camping trip after all.

Why are you bringing that up again?

Somehow I keep thinking, maybe it'll save us.

You think it might…save us?

I heard a rumor about it. I mean, there's that shrine on Yomiyama, right? They're going there on the camping trip, and they're going to do a purification ritual.


And there was a class a long time ago that got saved.

Are you serious?

I just heard the rumor.


So what are you gonna do?

Who do you think is going?

Akazawa said she's going. She said it's her responsibility as a class representative and a tactical officer. Sugiura's going, too.

Sugiura is so Akazawa's right hand, don't you think?

I think Nakao's going, too.

What, to get in with Akazawa?

Totally! Oh, my queen, I shall accompany you!

There's just something pitiful about that guy.

Speaking of, isn't Mochizuki going, too? He's in it for Ms. Mikami, though.

He is so obvious. And of course Sakakibara's going…

I wonder if Misaki is.

Who knows…

If she's going, I don't think I want to.

But it doesn't matter anymore, remember? The talisman of her being "not there" is over now.

That's true. But c'mon, don't you think she's kind of, I don't know…hard to be around? I feel like she looks at people so coldly.

You can't handle that?

It's not that I can't handle it, it's just creepy…

…Back in elementary school, there was a girl in my class who looked a lot like her.

You mean Misaki?


But isn't she an only child?

She had a different last name. But I'm pretty sure her first name was Misaki.


Sometimes I still wonder if they're actually the same person…

Where did she go to middle school?

She moved away in fifth year. So I dunno.

Did she wear an eye patch?

I…don't think she did.

I heard Misaki lost her left eye when she was four.

Really? Then I guess…