Chapter 43 : Is the Princess the Murderer?

Ayda’s POV

The morning after my fight with Sebastian was far more domestic than I thought it would be. We had breakfast in the tea room rather than the dining hall as I’d expected.

The informality of the seating arrangement was just what I needed.

One thing I liked about my life as a commoner was how everyday practices—like meal times, reading, or even hobbies—were all done in a communal setting. A practice only those who’d endured long generational friendships based on mutual goodwill and training, or for the formality of being related to each other, were allowed the privy of in an aristocrats’ home.

In a commoner’s home, there was no stiffy nature of formality because of decorum; one could relax and truly be as they were amongst the common people! It made all the above practices even more enjoyable in a sense and staved off the inherent loneliness that seemed to plague the castle and manors inhabited by the upper echelons of Lycan society.