Chapter 49 : Blood Moon

Ayda’s POV

“Mom, we just can’t let this crazy bitch do what she likes!” Miranda paced the room. Narcissa had locked us in the lower level of the ziggurat while she went to the top t with my son in one hand and a black dagger in the other. “She’s going to use what’s left of the townsfolk to make a sacrifice to open up the veil enough to see the Gates of Tartarus! She’s going to destroy the world, kill all of us, and herself with it. Why are you just sitting there!?”

“Your mother needs that herb more than life itself,” Kathrine flexed her fingers, and more chains snaked around Nicolette and me. I was starting to grow worried. Nicolette hadn’t woken up yet, and her wounds were still bleeding. “Would you have me watch another mate die? Do you think I could survive it a second time?”