Alpha Asher's pov

Maya didn't look as happy as I expected her to be. Right from the first day she stepped foot into our pack as a rogue, her only greatest desire that she had made known to us repeatedly; even until It became her walking siren, like a reminder to us all and most especially to me, was the fact that she hated being my mate and wanted to "explore the world while belonging to no one" as she put it, living the way she wants. I thought taking Daniel's idea would help build a relationship with Maya, no matter how long it takes but she had this wall so strong around her and I feared not even I could bring it down or gain her trust. So I decided to do what I believed was right, I believed it was best to let her go and let her live her life to the fullest, she insisted she wanted it instead of letting me keep her in my pack. If I forced her, it would make it seem like I was caging her since she didn't want to stay... The other best option was to let her go.

Funny thing was that I still understood her, even though I had known her for quite a short time. I understood her to want to belong to no one, her desire to go wherever she wanted because growing up in a monastery made me understand and gave me the ability to relate to half of what she had gone through; the pain, the torture, the hatred for the moon goddess and her parents that abandoned her for no reason only to make her suffer. So I was going to let her go if that's what she so much wants for herself because I wouldn't want to be a part of the people she hates forever. Even though deep down, I wanted to feel that feeling called love and be loved by someone too.

Once Edna and Daniel left, I met her eyes with my gaze and I was surprised to see the fear and plea in hers. She was silently begging me not to let her leave because her pride wouldn't let her speak, "I'm not ready to leave" she said with an empty voice, trying to sound tough but I still caught her eyes before she got rid of any sign of emotion that was there. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, this was a hard nut to crack; a tough case to solve. "You said you want to be free so that's what I'm doing for you Maya, letting you go" I replied and she looked at me angrily but her eyes were shaky like she was panicking.

"So you'll just let me go? After saving me? After making me believe that there may be kind people in this life?" She yelled with her voice sounding like she was close to tears.

"That's not why I'm letting you go, Maya…" I tried explaining to her but then she interrupted, her voice filled with anger "fuck you, Asher if no one's ever told you I'm going to say it to your stupid face! You are a shitty Alpha, Alphas don't run from problems, they don't shift responsibilities. Instead, they tackle it themselves but look at you, you want to let me go because I refuse to be your mate. After all, I refuse to belong to you. Well, news flash Alpha fucking Asher, that's what happens to someone who's been traumatized and tortured her whole life, I face reality and see things for what they are because life has never been a bed of roses for me so don't expect me to open up to you at once like you're some knight in shiny armor. Anyone can be a villain" she stopped and took a long breath but I was even too stunned to speak, I just sat there staring at this woman that had just put me in my place. People hardly put me in my place in this pack because not to brag but most times I'm right so not even Edna or Daniel put me in my place except they believed it was necessary and that hadn't happened in a long time now.

Then I understood why the moon goddess chose her for me, I thought Edna was something else but Maya was more than that… she was was feisty and I could see the fire in her eyes from her burning rage… she feared no one "you see this" she added gesturing between the two of us "it can't work, we can't work so I guess rejecting you had bruised your ego and now you want to let me back out there into those dens you call packs" she finished and slowly stood up, her eyes still on mine till she was now standing above me "it was nice meeting you Alpha Asher, I'll leave your pack now. You should pay me for those clues I gave you too" she spat every word at me with venom and stormed out heading towards her room.

I didn't know what to do, I just sat there looking dumbfounded after Maya had just given me the lecture of my life. I was even more confused and didn't understand it all. Was I meant to keep on trying with her until she opened up to me? Was telling her she had a choice to leave for another better pack a mistake on my part? That was what she wanted though. I groaned and threw my head back to ease the incoming headache but it wasn't helping. This was serious, far more than I thought it was. Maya was strong-willed, stubborn, and held her pride dear to herself; even after all she had gone through in her former pack. So I knew nothing else would make her waver, this was little compared to what she had experienced all her life. Suddenly Cypher started getting agitated in my head and I

I got the message immediately.

What Maya needed was someone that would try and place him or herself in her situation and see eye to eye with her… understand why suddenly changing packs was making her lose her temper. She needed someone to calm her down and probably change her mind about leaving. I only brought the option for her to leave but considering where she was coming from, she took it like I was asking her to leave and I realized I shouldn't have done that. Cypher nudged me on to quickly do something, I sighed before standing up to find Maya wherever she went to.

I searched everywhere I suspected she would be but didn't find her but I wasn't going to give up though, I stopped for a while to think then it occurred to me that I didn't check her room. I quickly raced there and knocked on her door before stepping in. Everything was everywhere… in disarray and she was packing the things we bought for her during her stay into a bag aggressively, it was obvious that she was still furious. "Go away," she said in a low voice and sniffed before she quickly wiped her eyes. I was behind her but I saw it, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

I shrugged and stepped forward while she still shoved clothes into the bag "I can't, not while you're still mad at me" I replied and she froze before she turned and faced me. Streaks of tears were evident on her face and her eyes were puffy already "I said… go away!" She repeated more firmly this time "you don't have to go, Maya, I won't force you to leave, this place is also your home too" I said and she grabbed a pillow then flung it at me "leave me alone Asher, just get out" she screamed this time and threw the other pillows on the bed at me one after the other. I quickly went closer to her and held her hands gently to calm her down but she struggled with every strength and lord knew she was really strong, even for me the king Alpha. I pulled her closer and hugged her hoping this would help calm her down then I caught a wisp of her scent and I couldn't help but drag it in… It was intoxicating and calming. She felt tiny and rather fragile in my arms even though she was still trying to fight me off her.

I realized I was enjoying this because it was better than the awkward way she always caught me gawking or staring at her whenever I got distracted or entranced by her. It was better than the times she just stared at me blankly and never gave any reaction to whatever I said to her… it always made me feel like a fool, being the one she chose to always ignore. I felt I'd rather squabble with her all the time than have no relationship with her, seeing her angry was also a display of emotion and it was better than nothing. I smiled and nuzzled my face in between her neck and shoulder "you don't have to leave if you don't want to" I whispered trying to soothe her. Instead, she shoved me off her with a hard push and it sent me only a few feet back "don't you dare touch me again" she warned and grabbed her bag filled with her things then flung it at me. I quickly caught it and growled before pushing her against the wall.

If she didn't want it the gentle way then I was going to go rough her. It was Cypher that was controlling me now, my wolf eyes now showing and staring hard at her with an intensity that she shivered and looked away from my eyes "so you think you've got the temper?" I roared but she didn't reply. I grabbed her face by the chin then forced her to look up at me. At that moment, the air shifted between us. The room wasn't hot but I felt hot, Maya's eyes were wide and my gaze moved to her lips… they were apart too and she was breathing hard just like I was. I suddenly felt the urge to kiss her, to mark her and make her mine. "Maya" I growled as my gaze remained on her lips, I was trying to control myself but her scent and wet lips were messing with my head.

"Someone is losing himself uh?" She teased and smirked and that almost broke the last straw for Cypher but I quickly held him back, "don't tempt me, Maya, cause you don't wanna know what I'm thinking and all the things I could do you right now, right here" I snarled, our faces now few inches away from each other and I heard the tiny gasp that escaped her mouth. It was my turn to smirk because I knew she could feel it too… this tension between us, in this proximity "now who is losing herself?" I teased back and she scowled at me. I couldn't help but laugh as I released my hold on her and stepped back, that was the cutest I had ever seen her and it was something I wouldn't mind seeing every day.

I knew she was expecting something to happen between us but I wasn't going to do that. She deserved more and I believed in falling in love and getting to know someone before getting intimate, so I was going to gain Maya's trust and love before we did anything. I read her report after she was scanned at the hospital when she got to our pack and knew she was raped and I was aware of how traumatizing it would be for her mentally. I still wanted her and I was going to make her realize she was worth more than that, I was going to give her the life and love she deserved.