
Shravan walked out of his bedroom with his bag after Isha to get ready to leave

As he came to the living room his mother glared at him

"I'm leaving Mom"

"What about your wife??"

"What about her?? She can stay here as long as she wants and then can apply for annulment when she is ready" Shravan said

"You told me you would give your cent percent into this marriage Shravan. You promised"

Damn!! His mother is furious. She just called him Shravan

"I said that believing that I would be marrying Kiara. Kiara, who was supposedly left at the altar. Not trying to work out a marriage with her would be sin when I thought she was deeply hurt by her ex fiance" Shravan said

"Oh my!! I can see you picturing yourself as a Prince charming riding a white horse and coming to rescue the princess from a miserable future" he turned around when he heard his wife's voice and saw her looking at him in amusement

"Or were you a knight in shining armor for a damsel in distress in your wild imaginations" she again asked and stroke of red coursed through him sculpted cheekbones, because for a moment that's what he did

What a fool??

"I did no such thing" he denied hotly

"You totally did. It's crysral clear from your face" Drishti said and grinned showing her pretty dimples

Pretty?? Where did that come from now

"I don't really care what you think. I'm leaving

today. Stay here till you apply for the annulment" Shravan said not willing to get into any argument with her

The girl is trouble

It's written all over her face

"Why would I stay here. I'm supposed to live with my husband. Right aunty?? " she asked turning to his mother

"Ofcourse yes" Anuradha agreed happily

"See. I'm also coming to Bangalore with you. I'm ready when you are" she said making him groan

"Don't expect me to give you a tour in the new city. You will be on your own. I will be busy with my business."

"I can entertain myself hubby jaan" Drishti said

"Don't call me that"

"You want me to call you baby?? Isn't that a little too early??" Drishti asked and Shravan pressed his lips together in annoyance

"I will be leaving as soon as Isha is ready"

"Who is Isha" she asked and he walked out of the living room without answering her

"You enjoyed irritating him didn't you??" Anuradha asked in amusement

"I enjoy irritating people aunty. In fact I revel in it. It's my favorite hobby and your son is my new target" she said grinning

"Maybe that's what my son needs. He is always so serious. So focused on work. He don't enjoy life much"

"Don't worry aunty. Before I leave, your son would have enjoyed life to the fullest" Drishti said and Anuradha's smile dimmed

"Before you leave?? You are leaving??"

"Aunty. I'm willing to give this a try. But I'm not sure it will work between us. We are totally different from what you have said. It would be difficult to adjust. Still I will give it a try"

"Remember. Marriage is a sacred bond. You took seven pheres around the sacred fire. It's not a joke"

"I understand aunty"


Tej Maheswari stared at the new daughter in law sternly to which she smiled back innocently fluttering her eyelashes

"I hope you will be a perfect wife for my grandson. Do you know how to take care of the household?? Do you know to cook??" Tej Maheswari asked

"Dadu, I think you missed the train from eighteenth century. You know, it's the fault of this

place. Living in this castle, I think you still have the misconception that our country is still under royal ruling." Drishti said making the old man glare at her

Shravan shook his head in disbelief.

This girl doesn't have any filter

"Dadu, it's time for us to leave" Shravan said earning his grandfather's attention who was busy glaring at Drishti

"Don't let the girl sit on your head" Tej advised his grandson and he saw Drishti rolling her eyes

Shravan hugged his mom

"Take care of Drishti, Shravu" Anuradha said and he just nodded

Drishti also hugged the warm and welcoming woman

If anything good came out of all that happened

today is Anuradha Maheswari

Maybe Pratap Maheswari is good too. But she hadn't had a conversation with him yet, so she don't know that.

After bidding a bye to the family, Drishti left the Maheswari House with her husband and his friend, who for some reason seems to dislike her

Is she one of those bitches who hates the heroine for snatching the hero from them

Are you wondering who the hero and heroine is??

Obviously I'm the heroine

And I got married to this handsome guy and that automatically makes him the hero

And you know who the bitch is!!


Shravan groaned inwardly seeing Isha and Drishti giving dirty looks to each other

It had started the moment they had set eyes on each other and he didn't have any idea what's going on

He knew Isha wasn't very fond of Drishti, but he didn't expect her to express her dislike so openly

It began with simply giving each other the stink eyes and turned verbal when they reached the airport

Once they boarded his private jet Isha had said rather scornfully

'Lucky you! Got access to one of the luxurious private jets right after marriage. Enjoy your first private jet ride!!'

'Oh dear! I didn't knew your mother gave birth to you inside a private jet.' Drishti had retailed rather too sweetly

And the bickering had gone on for a while

irritating the hell out of him

He had only heard of cat fights before and finally had the chance to witness it.

And man!! Did he enjoy it??

No freaking way!!

Perks of being married!!

He had to warn both of them to shut up or else he would kick them both out of his jet

And they had retreated back to glaring at each other

Better than listening to them being at each other's throat!!