
"Here, my sunscreen too" Drishti said and handed over her sunscreen to Shravan who was packing their over night bag.

"Anything else Drishti? I'm going to close the bag" Shravan said double checking the items in the bag.

"I think I have covered it all. If there is anything missing, we can get it there right?" Drishti asked

"Yeah. Let's get going" Shravan said

"Yay. Finally! After a month of tortures and miseries, I'm getting the much needed break" Drishti said dramatically and Shravan rolled his eyes.

Her exams got over that afternoon and Shravan suggested a small weekend trip,

much to Drishti's excitement. They were going to the SM resort an hour away from Bangalore city. The last time, they planned this trip, it got cancelled as his mother planned a reception party for them.