Chapter 54; KIDNAPPED


I awoke with a dull pain underlying the numbness in my right arm and I'm enveloped by the stench of rotten leaves. Even before I open my eyes I know I'm not at home. The air is heavy and damp, pressing against my skin like a clammy shroud. Where am I?

When I do decide to open my eyes my vision is sleep-blurred and untrustworthy. All I see are moving shapes of light and dark, of color and shadow--an indistinct, alien, jig-saw puzzle. I try to rub away the sleep fogging my vision with the fingers of my left hand (the right still feels dead and will not obey my directions), and while I do, one of the jig-saw shadows spoke.

I finally opened my eyes to a room that does not belong to me. Sitting up, I looked around and at my surroundings. There is one window, a single bed, in which I slept in, and a stool, it was plain and non-threatening.